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raja (process associate)     18 July 2011

What are the effects in future, in this situation?

hi. i loved a girl and we married , without any of our parents knowledge . we got registered marriage. we lived happily for about 8 months(seperately, meeting in weekends) and then, due to some misunderstanding, we split apart. i tried to be in contact with her, but i could not. after 6 months of seperation, i heard that she is engaged to other person with her parents will ( she had totally hidden all about our marriage). knowing this, i sent an advocate notice to her. her parents came to me and asked me not to create any prob for her marriage. i asked for divorce before her second marriage. but they said that they are not ready to go to court . they want me to go away , as it is.. moreover, when asked she replied that she will commit suicide with i said anything about her to anyone.. i know , her second marriage, if it happens, will be null and void... what to do now? what will be the legal probs that i will face in the future, i dont get divorce from her?  what will happen when i file a case against her on the offence of bigamy?   her parents are not very serious about these consequences and they are getting ready to marriage to happen.. 


 4 Replies

Adv. Chandrasekhar (Advocate)     18 July 2011

What she and her parents are doing, as you correctly said, bring misfortune and evil consequences.  As more than one year has passed from the date of registration of marriage, it is always better for you, that lady, her parents and your parents, if you get mutual consent divorce decree.  At the most, for obtaining that, you have to wait for 6 months.  That is not a pretty long time keeping in view of the evil consequences they may arise to both of you in future.  Try to convince her parents about this and if they are not convinced, there is no option to you that to threaten them you will file bigamy case against her in the event of her marriage.  They want to hush up the first marriage but it cannot be done so.  It may be known at a later time to the second husband and he may also create problem.  If any third party knows, he can blackmail them.  Further, till you get divorce, legally you are not competent to for another marriage. 

Ms Liberal (others)     19 July 2011


That women is also emotionally harassing you that"she will commit suicide" may be under the influence of parents. The girl seems to be major and can take decisons independently and is also spoiling the life of that innocent guy

That women has major role in all this as she has been awre of all this

If possible try to locate the whereabouts of that guy and inform about the relations by showing documentary proof and you can take the help of police too

The woman needs to take divoce through court before getting married and you have the full right whether interested to give divoce by mutual consent or contest the case if you want that your wife should join to you

You send legal notcice first and then file the case under RCR

iF SHE PERSIST FOR MARRAIGE THEN SURELY SHE COMMIT BIGAMY and may be punishe accordingly to law

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Before the parents and the girl commit some offence, better make them aware of the legal position and consequences about remarriage of girl without getting divorce. Without getting divorce you would also not be able to marry again.


Ladki tere haatha se phisal gayi hai. now u rub your *****.

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