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Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     22 September 2011

How to recognize a radical feminist in lci


Identifiable Traits of radical feminists in LCI (India)


  • To divide the country on the basis of genders.
  • To oppose / negate anything cordial among both s*xes.
  • To eradicate & replace the rational thinking of development of society as a whole by sketching a dividing line on the basis of weaker s*x / under privileged / abala nari syndrome card among genders.


·         Placing big (larger than usual) BINDI on forehead and wearing sari.

·         Putting a larger than usual BINDI on their profile picture(s) claiming it
  to be their time pass acquired Adobe Photoshop skills !


Reasoning: basically to identify them with well cultured Hindu wives and to symbolize that they are married

  • Keeps urban outlook & lifestyle in real life but claims representation of rural section the moment discussion in public platform emerges.

Reasoning: to maintain the claimed broad base of representation

  • Mainly Kitty party ladies, makes hue & cry to take advantage for their benefit from the suffering of under privileged or under developed women from rural background.


  • Expert in talking non-stop without reasons and logic

Reasoning: to enforce their point of view in public forums.

  • Capable of prolonging public forum debate / conversation by citing and using out of topic examples and or justifying titilating media reporting to its rock bottom.

to diverge discussion from main issue to something suits them

  • Able to link everything with female foeticide & dowry as if all the worlds  womens world starts and end with only these two !
  • Legal bankruptcy in public platforms when challenged.
  • Openly says I am less educated than you hence my language skills are not what you expect me to come up for.

its needed for their public persona survival called as WMD (also read as weapon of sentiments and emotions)


  • Great MALE HATER
  • Selective approach in raising issues

to maintain the image of rescuer of victimper se will always quote their house maid apathy in forum debates………!

  • Dominating attitude at home as well as in forums, conferences, debate or  meetings

to show that they are already empowered

  • Capability of portraying minor or isolated issue into issue of masses.

Reasoning: to
create and highlight a false propaganda for their means


  • To work on the Britisher’s  policy of Divide & Rule
  • Exploitation of sympathetic and emotional sentiments of society.
  • Solely Working for funding and recognition in the name of social service.
  • Usually relying on false or vague data & statistics to justify what they are doing is right and / or quote no stats. / datas at all and in turn ask researcher in the name of thy innoccence.


  • Responsible for distorting the social fabric of India and family system in India
  • Responsible for Sacrificing Womanhood for pseudo empowerment
  • Responsible for gender differentiation
  • Responsible for breaking families and homes
  • Responsible for elder & child abuse
  • Responsible for increasing matrimonial crimes


  • Ultimate goal of their life to destroy the entire Society structure.
  • Misguide and use the innocent women of India and push them into IPC 498a and Bharat Ratna DV mess.
  • Final strategy to pressurize the Government to frame & enforce more & more gender biased laws so that husband cases can not be registered resulting in no availability of any statistical data on misuse of these laws.

Articulate Pradeep; a thinking gender aka colly. voice of innocent suffereing common men among us ……………………. 

 16 Replies

zimmerzapper (student)     22 September 2011

hounding people who oppose them, digging up their forgotten threads, having more than 1 id. feeling as if they earned a divine right to exercise their rottenness and sadism for the things they suffered, attacking anyone without remorse, trying to chastise, bringing up commentators mothers, sisters. tauntingly enquiring about commentators suffering and many more... (def)     22 September 2011


gaury..fight to win (Education)     23 September 2011

Please let the peace in LCI prevail. Why provoking  fights?

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     23 September 2011

I second Gauri.


Voltaire said something and I agree with him - "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the deathyour right to say it"




Shonee Kapoor






The one who does not have enough cases in hand,and therefore has a lot of free time to post useless,time pass articles.





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Thanks Tajob

You are great!.You have made the pan hot again.But no body whom you were expecting to reply are not coming to be getting fried.!!!!!

Be a good old man and take rest as you need it.

Now please no body try to snatch away my right to say here.


Continued from above...



He has the "intellectualism" and all the free time in the world to post such "legally informative",articles so that he gets the attention of females.It seems he can't live without these females.So he'll go on inviting them to this forum posting these articles, so that they come and talk to him..


How much he craves for their attention!!


This is the greatness of these time pass lawyers.While,on the other hand,sensible & busy lawyers will be engrossed in their cases and case files.


Uncle must be feeling great now.2 females have responded so far.But he'll pretend as if he's annoyed with their replies.



Princess see how he observes the looks and outfit of lady members inspite of not seeing any lady members photo.


·         Placing big (larger than usual) BINDI on forehead and wearing sari.

·         Putting a larger than usual BINDI on their profile picture(s) claiming it
  to be their time pass acquired Adobe Photoshop skills !


He has made his nose blunt rubbing it to others affairs!!

Roshni B.. (For justice and dignity)     23 September 2011

If I rub my nose so much,I will start losing my hair and become bald one day..


Like D Arun!



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Kudos to his imaginative power!!!!!!!


Let's write whatever we like!As this thread will be no more till this evening!


Now see this has been closed.


why you did not expect this from Tajob?He is also like us..anti-women.

(19:02, 23 Sept"11)

Aishwarya (Teacher)     23 September 2011

lolz amazing obseravtion ,dint expct ths frm mr tajob anyhow reaction id say is to laugh it off..not to be provoked whn someone who tries so much for reasons best knwn to thm..

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