hello everyone,
i was recently going through this artice "https://www.nytimes.com/2007/02/13/opinion/13iht-edcrichton.4579767.html"
a paragraph in it read "the holder of the gene patent can charge whatever he wants, and does. Couldn't somebody make a cheaper test? Sure, but the patent holder blocks any competitor's test. He owns the gene. Nobody else can test for it. In fact, you can't even donate their own breast cancer gene to another scientist without permission. The gene may exist in your body, but it's now viewed as private property."
Is it allowed to charge any amount of money,i mean wont the issue of compulsory licensing come into play if the amount asked it too high and unreasonable??
secondly its written that "NOBODY ELSE CAN TEST FOR IT".......BUT acc to the patents act 1970 a patented invention can be used for scientific purposes and carrying out experiments??
can somebody please clarify me?
thank you!!!