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Help me please

i sign the petiotion for mutual divorce under pressure of my inlaws and also attend my first motion. but i dont want this divorce to be happen. 

their is no any alligation mention in the petition how could i stop my divorce.

pls help me i am laymann in this field . i dont have any advocate from my side. explain the procedure pls

 45 Replies

Shivaji Rao (worker)     25 November 2011

talk to your wife and/or in laws....

do not go for 2nd motion and hire a lawyer.


Do not attend 2nd motion. Take precaution (Anticipatory Bail) if your inlaws are wicked (the world is full of bad people) enough to file criminal cases.

Give time and let things fall in place. You will get all answers about what to do with your marriage.




they did not talk to me they said i am mad and marriage with me is fault of their daughter

if i take my consent back?

then can she get divorce alone?

is any other way to stop this divorce ?

raj malhotra (M.D)     25 November 2011

bro theres only two solutions...

1.think think and think...first think wht u want bcs someone said when u need sumthing in life...then just reach out and grab it...

2.move on ur path.....DO THE RIGHT AND FEAR NO ONE...

i hope u got wht i wanna say...words r few,but meaning is beyond this of luck...god bless

raj malhotra (M.D)     25 November 2011

bro im not a lawyers or a philospher...but i can understand ur situation as i have been also thru similar life gave me a lot of lessons..if u wanna talk to me just pme me...and i will give u my mail id or number..,may be i can help u ...

Sanjeev (Lawyer)     25 November 2011

If you dont want divorce to happen dont appear for second motion. It wont happen without your appearence.

But the reality here is whats the future if your wife is not willing to stay with you now may be under influence of her parents do you expect a change in future which is most unlikely. So may be this hurts but come out of this relationship whatever harship you face as this relation wont work now. This is tough decision but not taking divorce would also not lead you anywhere.


I wont say anything about whether this realtion will work or wont-work..

Just dont appear as everyone is suggesting...and let things fall in dont know what lies ahead...she may come back..give her time...

But I dont know, how much your wife will support just wait and watch...



thanks for help guys i also dont kno wether this relation work or not but everybody need a second chance so i am giving it a second chance. i dont kno about future i dont care about past just want to live in present

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     26 November 2011

You are not bound to appear for 2nd motion. Besides this you may appear and inform the Hon'ble Court that you do not wish to proceed further in the mutual divorce case, due to ............reasons.

You may discuss the issue with Hon'ble Judge, your wife, her/your parents/relations, near and dear ones to settle your matrimonial problem. If still unable to sort out and feel proper, request the Court for appointment of Counsellor, mediator etc, which is available in all Courts since it is obligatory on the part of judiciary to save the marriage institution.

My sincere advise donot make any issue egoistic and  your wife and you may settle/decide, it will be better for both of you if you can pull on well in your matrimonial life, there are always diffulties, hurdles, differemce of opinion  /tastes  /habits/ rituals and KEEP THEM ASIDE, reconcile (give and take) and lead a happy married life .  

V R SHROFF (Sr. ADVOCATE Bombay High Court Mob: 9892432152)     26 November 2011

You Apply on Next day , with prayer to adjourn for six months, this 13b dvorce petition, saying therein that  u don't want divorce at present , let me think over it for further period of 6 months. 

In case u do not do it, and u have certainly a common adv, { u must have signed Vakalatnama when u filed 13b petition, (don't say "I have no adv from my side" it is false)} ur common adv  may plead that may harm ur interest.

Ur Application will be on Court Record.  U will not be divorce!

In another 6 months, consult 5 of ur blood relatives, and 5 sucessful, reliable Sr. Friends or wel known persons, all between 50 to 60yrs aged seasoned wise man, and take advice fromthem +ur mother especially, what u shd do? [ THery shd be close enough to know both family]Get a Easy div, & start new life, or continue with her, waiting for her love and affection! Decide cool headd, and go to court, give ur consent for divorce, or withdraw ur petition. 

 You wll be the deciding factor.  U R KING Ur in laws will be harassed by you!

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Completely agreed with Mr. Shroff


thanks for valuable suggestion but problem is that my family is ready to accept her but my inlaws are not sending her back.

@shroff sir

you are rite sir we both have common advocate which does not help me.

1]can you please tell me the procudure to withdraw my consent ?

2]i heard and also read some article on google that ifhusband withdraw consent also then wife can get        divorce,

is this true?

3]how could my inlaws know if i remove my consent or it happend in front of them?

4] does judge have right to stoping me from withdrwing consent?

pls help me sir.....


can please one clear my doubts please ?


one and only way is for you to run around court on each date and collect relevant filing procedures from clerks... they will help as you would not appoint an advocate... you must attend the court but need to tell judge that you do not want divorce... owise it will work against you... you need to be courageous and brave to withstand pressure...

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