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Nandha (NIL)     28 December 2011

Publication of divorce in newspaper

Dear all,

After the divorce is awarded by the court, can a spouse announce the divorce (with picture of the spouse) through newspaper?  Is he/she entitled to do so? Will it amounts to any defamation issue?

When husband and wife are into some business dealings, there is always a room for misuse of other's name or their position after divorce. In order to prevent such misuse, can this be done?





 11 Replies

Shantanu Wavhal (Worker)     28 December 2011

i think a public notice should be published in news paper - BUT NOT SURE !!

MAY BE - u have to file application for permission of publication, stating grounds to allow application.

HMA, 1995 states - 


22      Proceedings to be in camera and may not be printed or published

(1)        Every proceeding under this Act shall be conducted in camera and it shall not be lawful for any person to print or publish any matter in relation to any such proceeding except a judgement of High Court or of the Supreme Court printed or published with the previous permission of the  Court .

(2)        If any person prints or publishes any matter in contravention of the previous contained in sub section(1), he shall be punishable with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees.]

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N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     28 December 2011

I am of the view that there is a distinction between proceedings in the court in camera, and finality of the case by delivering Judgment. As such, it may not be illegal to publish the same in media, as even the decision of the court can be criticised or debated in news paper etc. But this is my personal view only.

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Nandha (NIL)     28 December 2011

I am not referring to the court proceedings here.

What i meant was that after divorce is awarded, can I personally put a public notice in newspaper that she is no more my wife and any dealings by her on my behalf  has no legal binding on me!

It is like that a public notice issued by a company when an resigns or is dismissed and no more part of the company!

I think there should not be a problem in issuing such notice.

Can i have experts advice on this?



Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     29 December 2011

Don't do it, she still would have some option for appeal.



Shonee Kapoor
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Shankar (Director)     30 December 2011

If the real intention of yours is genuine (that is, to prevent her misusing your name for business deals), it need not be done (no one could sue you for fraud even if she does, after your divorce, there is no need to carry such announcements in newspapers). You are automatically immune in a court of law once the legality of the divorce is established before the period when transactions occur, unless you have some registered business partnership with her or any other such relationships outside of marriage.

If the main reason is just to spite her, you can go ahead and do it. If she files a claim of defamation, depending on how you word that notice, she may or may not be able to win the case. A good lawyer should be able to draft it in a clever manner to prevent a defamation case.


Shantanu Wavhal (Worker)     30 December 2011

Yes !

one can publish his own marriage everywhere, provided that the marriage is legally valid.

but if the wife is planning to get married secretly, and working in collusion with the other party to the second marriage (which would be void ab initio), such a publication would not help at all.

the second marriage would be void ipso jure

ref : HMA sec. - 5 (i) + 11 + 17 + ipc 494 + ipc 495

Nandha (NIL)     31 December 2011


Thanks for your input. 

Nandha (NIL)     31 December 2011

i just across the news article, how a woman misuses her husband's name after divorce.

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     01 January 2012

It has now been stopped by the SC.


Shonee Kapoor
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RK (Learner)     22 January 2013

I think that instead of publishing photographs, one can give public notice in leading newspapers through an advocate that they were legally divorced as per so & so order of Hon'ble court and no transactions are to be carried on in the belief that they are wife and husband henceforth from the specified date.

RK (Learner)     22 January 2013

I think that instead of publishing photographs, one can give public notice in leading newspapers through an advocate that they were legally divorced as per so & so order of Hon'ble court and no transactions are to be carried on in the belief that they are wife and husband henceforth from the specified date.

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