First, i would like to express my heartiest Thanks to you for your valuable comments on my queries.
i am totally agreed to you that any training offered by employer is beneficial for its employee as it enhances employees skill & quality. but ultimately it will serve the company directly.
skillful & qualified employees are assets for any company as they ensure the sensible & logical proceedings towards the better prospect of the company. it's the matter of human effort utilization, it's upto the company whether the company will go for the better utilization of his present human efforts or hire the skill from outside.
on the other hand worker/ employee gets his rest for the reconditioning of his mental & physical state (and also to spent some valuable hours with his family to boost up either way (if you believe). if an employee could not recondition himself, he can't serve his company with his highest capacity.
more over starting on working day and returning on other working day (crossing the weeky off) is total detachment from his daily schedule & his family and these entire hours are devoted to the training only, training is the part of my job, it's not any pleasure trip.
if you consider the effect of training for any employee to a greater extent for sake of the prospect of the company, there should not be any complication regarding such small thing like weekly off,
it has no doubts that the managers/ decision makers have the highest responsibility to decide for the company's prospect.
no company agrees to hike the wages or fulfill any other demand by the unionized worker only because of their skill, quality or devotion.( pulling some unionised worker to the management category is different thing.)
on the ground of humanity no one should go for any training keeping in his mind that it would help him getting a good new job. this way company could lose the faith on its workers.