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Lets prey this 26-jan onwards to seek change

When I was Studying in College there was Famous theory of Keynes, i.e. "Supply Created its own Demand."
However as time passed by and one fine day Come, when I got Married, I was Completely Blank about any Gender biased Law. Not even had Slightest or Even in My Remotest Imagination of the world of 498a, DV or 125. (Why would a Guy Independent, Self Sufficiant will ever need Money or Demand for something like Dowry?) and that is too with Well Earned Metro Urban Woman who is equally capable of earning will ever fulfill demand of Dowry by anyone else or future Husband?)

Throughout Scanning Indian News website from abroad, I was thinking now India is becoming more and more Liberal. But didn’t have any Idea How Education & knowledge can be misused.
There is Every Possible thinking comes in your mind and many elders will guide you to take care of your Responsibilities, Wife. I still Remember Marriage Counseling, but nowhere mentioned or talked about these draconian Laws. I felt cheated after facing music.

I believe there should be law Introduced Irrespective of Religion, Race or Region. That couple planning to marry must inform Government that they are getting married and it should give Time, Knowledge to think and learn about Family Law to Both. Then I bet NO MAN WILL EVER DARE TO COMMIT Grave Offence of Marriage in India.

So Here Govt Created supply of Arsenal (498a & DV) to create Demands (Husband), more and more Husbands are being trapped in false cases.

Let’s educate each Citizen about Draconian Family Laws like 498a, DV, CrpC 125, Sexual Harassment Bill 2010. All these Gender Biased laws. And we shall see some Harmony in Society by less Number of Marriage. Or Government Itself forced to amend the laws to bring Balance in Society.

Happy Republic Day,

Harassed Husband



 5 Replies

**Victim** (job)     24 January 2012

@ Zameer,

I think indian schools should create awareness of indian judicial system. Each and every student growing up should be aware of 498 (a), crpc 125 all such laws. I bet you there will be new revolution if such teaching is imposed in education.

1 Like


A country of 1 billion plus- this is an epedemic and nothing much can be done even if gender neutral laws are instituted. 

The legal system is backlogged with more than 30 million cases. The answer is self awareness, self education, attesting @Victim. 

Can pre-nups be an interim solution to this epidemic ? 

Aishwarya (Teacher)     25 January 2012

sure if we can disseminate health education, disaster management classes, gender sensitization, s*x education, and may other likewise..surely we can add a small course under Law to make kids aware about issues that may concern them in their adulthood .

And apart from this we can surely help our kids know  how they can be more adjusting and less demanding and to be self reliant, work as a team and learn to live and cohabit peacefully in every situation be it family, or in a marriage institution..

Coz not every solution of life can be through law ..their are other aspects that needs to be inculcated by parents and society as a whole..


AAAAARRRRK (Others)     25 January 2012

@Zameer - Superb idea.

It is a very well thought of suggestion. Hope it reaches the right forum and is considered at the earliest. 

But surely one serious drawback is visualised - After getting familiar with the Laws mentioned by Zameer, the men will never dare to get married; but then other needs may give rise to various other actions not acceptable to the society / Law. Anyway, this should not deter anyone to agree with the suggestion of such education at School level and as Aishwarya has suggested that it could always add on to the curriculum consisting Disaster mgt, Health education etc. 


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N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     26 January 2012

That is the reason why I have posted in the forum that Naga Customary is far better than any other Indian Laws and salute to Article 371-A of the Constitution of India. ofcourese like any laws our customatry laws also has its own drawbacks like marriage, divorce, etc; and one is not sure at time whether the spouses are married or divorce etc etc but life goes on without any hassels free from 498a, DV etc.But Surely I assured you not like those stuff like 498a, DV etc.Ours is very simple and far better as it is elastic and can be adjusted in any situations.

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