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Ravi (Student)     20 January 2012

Law commission report regarding compounding of(ipc) offences

Law Commission report regarding compounding of (IPC) offences. Especially 498-A. File is Attached.


 4 Replies


This Report is Nothing but Fooling Indian Men & People those who are Concerned with this draconian Law (498a). Making it Compoundable doesn't make much difference IF it was, Andhra Pradesh could have less number of cases. But we don’t see any difference.
IT is moreover Empowering Greedy Wives to Officially Extort Money making it Compoundable Means; Wives will be more eligible for Settlements. As how it is happening now.It is Only Judicial Process who will benefited with Less Time Consuming for them.
What it Should be :
1) If Govt Really wants to Curb Misuse then it should have Clause of Offenders for misusing this law for various purposes. If the proposed Lokpal Bill can have a misuse clause, why can't 498a have one too?
2) At least 6 Months Jail Terms is enough to create fear in Mind of Greedy Gangs
3) Make it Bailable is the only way, If need court should have power to Issue Non Bailable Warrant against Accused.
4) This law should be link up with DP / 3 for giving Dowry, If they know Dowry Giving or Taking Crime, then why they gave Dowry (Committed Crime) at place?
5) It should be punished for False Cases & Abusing Process of Law, Judiciary System.
6) There should be strict process of arrest CrpC 41, Directing Ministry to follow all State police, because they are the one who don’t follow procedure.

Beneficiary of Proposed Report 237:
1) Judiciary System, It will lessen Court process time Consumed, because most of Greedy wives will ask Money (Extortion) to withdraw the Cases.
2) Lawyers
3) Cops

Harassed Husbands (Most of Cases are 98% False)

"No Laymen would understand unless they face music."


Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     23 January 2012

This is just an eyewash.


Even today HC are quashing 498a based on compromise and compensation.





Shonee Kapoor

2 Like

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     30 January 2012

Law Commission Report means a Report and will remain as Report in black in white nothing more. It is a Commission not a Council.

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     31 January 2012

And anyways the parliament is not functioning, so God knows when this would be passed.





Shonee Kapoor

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