Here are some highlights of some important things happened to me.
1. my elder son beat me twice with kicks and boxing. He is in martial arts. I have two sons, yes younger one do love me, but not in front of his elder brother or his mother , since they both have threatened my younger son and he is scared of that.
ist time my elder son demanded for new pc I didnt fulfil his demand he beat me.
2nd time he was beating his younger brother I interferred and try to stop him so he beat me. Both his uncle, aunts. and his mother praised him.
2. I am not in phy. relations with my wife since ten years, still she has total control on the house. Since three years I cook on my own, before that since six seven ears my mother cooked for me.
3. One of my brother is druggist, he broke my new a.c., he cut pipe of my gas cylinder, He always sniff around my food stuff to mix something. For two years he threatened my father and dad too. My wife has good relations too.
4. I have good relations with my parents but they are in pressure and scared with my younger brothers. The youngest brother attacked me twice and tried to kill me.
5. We are a joint family and our house is worth 10 million (Rs. one crore) presently. A greed is given to my wife long time before that when this house will be sold she will be given a flat. Another property of worth 50 lacs has been used and destroyed in shares by my younger brother totally.
I can write hundreds of points which happened with me. But eyerthing ends to the ppoint that my mental health is not good or I am wrong.
The only thing wrong in me is my earnings are low since I am in creative sort of work. And I speak truth at wrong time at wrong place maybe.
I have complained to cops, several times, every time my father cries to tears and tell me to revert or settle. Now cops also tell me to pray to god.
Presently I am suffering from severe pains in spine and depression because all this, It doesn't means that I am not aware with myself, I do meditation daily. Since few months I can't cook myself even, and no one taking care of me, My earning since six months have gone to zero, why should I not fight for the justice.
Less written but I think its enough to grab my feeling.