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Basavaraj (engineer)     12 April 2012

Mental harassment & powerless potision

Dear all,

I am working in mini ratna public sector govt & state govt under takeing co for the last 4yrs as asst.Gen .manager level.

last 3yrs went well and based on performence the mgmt has confirmed and given required benifts.

now may be the postion has become redendent so the immdeate boss is sending a indirect message to resign and withdrawing all facilties.

with this at the age of 50yrs feeling little defamed and mentaly harassed.

At this sutuvation i am thinking of fallowings

1.file a harasment case 

2.file delaction suite in high court asking for potion decaration as per appontment order

kindly advice to come out of the problem pls.




 1 Replies

Kumar Doab (FIN)     13 April 2012

The situation and dilemma being faced by you is faced by many

Is your company in the process of restructuring, cost cutting?

Usually HR and Directors/promoters hold meetings and set out a process and strategy. Invariably employees with high vintage and CTC are the choosen ones. First line management in close consultation shall try by applying tactics to shunt out these chosen employees by way of securing resignation by asking, then coercion, pressure, withdrawing facilities, projects, resorting to transfers etc. so as to evade legal complications and minimise the number of terminations.Thereafter finding faults and building airtight case.

The idea is to stress and burden the employee.

A stressed employee is sitting duck and easy target.

However a smart employee should act in time. Rapport with line management and HR is to be strengthened and all efforts should be directed to come out of hit list. Young boss usually try to remove senior members in the team. The senior employees should establish that thay are usuful and productive and justify their salary.

Employee should not initiate altercation and jump to fall below the axe.

There is greivance redressal sysytem in almost all of the good companies. In case of genuine greivance employee must lodge greivance in gentle manner and build favorable record. Employee must be able to prove each and every word in his petition. Then employee must approach good offices of appointing authority, MD, Chairman, Head-HR in writing under acknowledgment, and persue with all his might, and escape from being axed.

The legal right of the employee shall stand. Later the employee can always approach the employees union, guild, association, lawyer, court of law. The withdrawal of assignments, projects, facilities, etc. can be construed as guarded and veiled steps to discharge the employee.

It shall be appropriate to approach a comeptent and experienced service lawyer with appointment letter, confirmation letter, employee rule book, rules and regulations of the company,certified standing orders of the company and discuss the matter in detail and proceed furether under expert advice.

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