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kumar mak (SE)     25 April 2012

Please suggest me to protect myself and my family from 498

I am kumar working as Software engineer . I got married on November 2010. Me and my wife were staying separately from the beginning of our marriage, as she always do some wrong allegation on me and my parents and go to her home town since 2nd month of marriage and 6 times, and 6 times I went there to get her back. We stayed together almost 3 months.We don’t have any child.
I was also noticed that she used to get calls from Andhra Pradesh unknown and she responds to the calls very long duration, she is not interested to spent the her life with me as it was a forced marriage by her parents which I was unaware. She was showing her unwillingness to join me. Later I came to know that she has love afire with another person before marriage. One day she left Pune without informing me and from that day her father and her relatives started harassing saying that will kill me.
After a gap of 5 months she is harassing that she put a 498-a case against me and all of my family members if I won’t took her back. The intention behind this seems to be, they want monthly maintenance or huge amount around 25 lacks on mutual settlement. She can wait for some year also because her age is only 19 year but I and my family got harassed mentally, physically and financially a lot. Now my job is also in trouble .Once she decides to get a divorce they may claim/expect huge amount.
I want to get a divorce asap by giving one-time settlement as this has become a mental torcher for my whole family. I got records of her phone calls and chatting that she did to her boyfriend.
Once I file a divorce case, how much % of take home income I have to give her as maintenance , my salary is around 30000/-. Once she started getting decent amount of money on monthly basis,she is not going to give divorce in near future. Could you please help me to
- Protect myself and my family from 498-A,DV,
- To get a divorce ASAP
- Fight against maintenance amount.
Please reply me

 15 Replies

kumar mak (SE)     25 April 2012

So additional information to mmy post:

They have already approached police and the police called for concealing. There I have shown some of the proofs and explained the problem. Police officer (CI) also suggested

- To her parents - that if they have to send her – they need to send her on lot of conditions that police will give and they don’t want to listen any more complaints from her.
- To My wife – There is no need to go to your husband on your parent’s pressure

Both the suggestions are given in front of me and my wife and all the people came from both the parties. We are currently in counselling and during this time period they are threatening us with the false 498 complaint against me and all my family members unless I accept her and take back.

manav (Senior Manager)     25 April 2012

Hi Anand,

Please do not mind for triggering questions.

I am actually in almost in same position. My problem is her and her family way of talking.

Atleast you have very good proofs but I do not have any kind proofs. Now they said that they will file 498 and DV.  For DV I have my wife's bank statement which shows that she used to spend half of the money for her family.

Does police investigate before they file the case or simply put behind the bars? Which state police are dealing your case?



rajiv_lodha (zz)     25 April 2012

@ Anand!

From ur descripttion, it seems very difficult to run the marriage. If u try to flog an unwilling partner, u r bound to crash into disaster.

Get AB as she has complaint lying with police. Then explore all possible ways to resume marital life without making undue compromises with ur safety & self-respect. Involve elders if need be. Talk to her one to one at least for MCD............remeber MCD is easiest way out.

kumar mak (SE)     26 April 2012

Hi Manav,

Iam sorry but I am at begining stage. If I found any information for you I will update here...

kumar mak (SE)     26 April 2012

Hi rajiv,

Thanks for your suggestion, but the problem here is her parents are criminal minded they forcing her send here still and hey are not allowing me to talk with her lonly. Not today before these problems while we both talkin they will switch on the speaker and listn.

Avnish Kaur (Consultant)     26 April 2012


why settle ? are u at fault?

teach her a lesson for 10 generations to remember.

join SIFF  and learn ways to teach such a great lady.

2 Like

kumar mak (SE)     27 April 2012

One more point

A police who in girl’s relatives coming to my family in civil dress and threatening  them that he will torture us after my wife files 498a and when we are in custody. Our family members are afraid of him. Is there something I can do..

rajiv_lodha (zz)     27 April 2012

Originally posted by :kumar mak
Hi rajiv,

Thanks for your suggestion, but the problem here is her parents are criminal minded they forcing her send here still and hey are not allowing me to talk with her lonly. Not today before these problems while we both talkin they will switch on the speaker and listn.

So, point is clear my dear, SHE IS NOT A HOLY COW AS U THINK. She is a mature fellow. If she seems so much influenced by her parents as to lodge a CRIMINAL COMPLAINT against u, she is not trustworthy. Fight ur battle on merits.

1 Like

rajiv_lodha (zz)     27 April 2012

One more point

A police who in girl’s relatives coming to my family in civil dress and threatening  them that he will torture us after my wife files 498a and when we are in custody. Our family members are afraid of him. Is there something I can do..

To start with..............record her threats in some device. Make a written complaint to Comissioner police about these threats & produce her recording as proof.

Then enjoy the fun

1 Like

Avnish Kaur (Consultant)     28 April 2012

AGree with rajiv , record his threats with some good video, invite him to ur home to threaten u and make him say if u wont budge to our demands we will file fake 498a on all of ur family , then see the fun.

1 Like

kumar mak (SE)     21 May 2012

Hi All,

One stage in my problem completed. Girl placed a false 498a case on my parents, brothers and brother's wife. Some of use surrender and saved ladies and parents with anticipatory bail.

In the FIR of 498 they have mentioned that we all went to girl’s house and beat her for extra money. But that day we are at some other place and in shopping including my family.

They also put the maintenance; I don’t want to give money to that cheater. Can someone suggest me How can I do that?

Please reply me

kumar mak (SE)     21 May 2012

Hi All,

My wife put Domestic valance and Maintenance case and I got released from remind (for 498a) 2 days back, I am planning to file a diverse case. Can I do this while these cases on me. Please suggest.

rajiv_lodha (zz)     22 May 2012

Applying for divorce at this stage is not advisable. Enough ground is not prepared. Better come out of initial part of 498a blues & then put divorce. She may get divorce & sattle with another fellow & u will be fighting all these 498a+DV lifelong.

So do not set her free till false 498a+DV are resovlved!



Don't file for divorce. She has done the worse she could do. You will get time to give it all back with interest. Anyway if she wants she can drag divorce for 10 yrs.

Have some patience. After some time you will see it will be their headache to come out of this mess.She will come for divorce.

Then it will be your turn to show "What goes around comes all the way back around".Meanwhile there are hundreds of ways to harass and keep them on their toes. Teach them a good lesson. Join SIFF.

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