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Joseph (Service)     05 May 2009

Maintainence Recovery

I have got divorced in 2008. the judge had asked me to pay around half of my salary as maintainence. which i have  tried to tell the judge that it was not possible because what was left would go towards my Loans, leaving absolutely nothing. Anyway i did not pay now she has filed for recovery have got a summons from the civil court. Want to know the exact procedings and how i can end this.HELP.


 4 Replies

ASHUTOSH (lawyer)     05 May 2009

dear judge cant pass this type of order first we have to see what is your social status and how much ur earning whether u have any issue or whether ur wife wis working tell all this think to me then i will heplyou


Delhi High court

1 Like

nitin (advocate)     05 May 2009


you got the divorce with your wife in 2008. 

whether your wife file a complaint againt you for the maintenance, if yes then whether you got any issues or not.

whether in your evidence you have got your salary slip exihibated and also called some clerk or dealing hand from your office for proving that salary slip or not.

whether you have placed on record the reciept or documents of loan amount or not

then only i would be able to help you to the best of my ability.


nitin misra

Swami Sadashiva Brahmendra Sar (Nil)     05 May 2009

you have to comply with the ordrs of court untill it is stayed by a superior court.

A. Sanjeevulu (advocate)     05 May 2009

you can file an appeal against that order with an interlocutory application to stay of all further proceedings.  

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