I had the support of an inspector and another senior level officer and with their support i went and filed a complaint againstr the owner.
One policeman came with me to the house which the owner is constructing and had heated arguments with the owner and he called the broker who dealt this deal and the broker in trun called other real estate agents and started threatening me and finally after an hour of drama in presence of police the owner was ready to gave back 50% of the amount.
I think thats a fair one because otherwise i'll be at 100% loss. If he's booked the house for me for about a mionth and not shown it to other clients, i think its fine both party come to 50 -50 deal and not threatening and keeping 100% amt.
The brokers were with the owner because they will get commission from the owner and the prospective clients that they will get for this 4 floor apartment (1 house each floor). So they were trying to protect him and trying to settle for a deal instead of getting him to the police station. Even I didnt want the owner to come to station because firstly he is 70+ aged man. So I thought lets settle this for 50% of the amt. even though the inspector wanted me to get everyione to the station and get the whole amount.
I hope its all settled now and done. Thank god and thank you all who replied with advice for my concerns. I hope the brokers wont create any problem to me.
This is a big lesson and I will never ever pay big amounts as token advance hereafter. No more real estate briokers also except a few who were really good.