I've filed application for my potency test by medical board in counter of wife's petition for annulment on ground of my impotency. Since then on hearing dates, two dates passed, her advocate appears saying 'petitioner is absent', and judge gives next date ignoring my advocate's request to allow my application for potency test. My advocate is not giving clear picture about whats is happening and why my application is not allowed. So, please help me to understand the procedure better. 1) Is her presence must to procedure the case further and allow my application? 2) Do she have to file reply to my application for potency test, before getting my application allowed? 3) if so, can I request the court to close the current stage and move on to next stage on her absence? I want to either get her petition dismissed or get my application for potency test allowed as soon as possible so as I can convert my RCR to divorce on ground of mental cruelty and desertion. I filed RCR 6 months after marriage and since then 3 years passed so I think now I can use at least the desertion ground for divorce without any problem. So, please suggest better way to proceed this case.