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swasti (Manager)     23 September 2012

Sending parties to s*xologist/psychologist in annulment case

One month after marriage,  wife filed for annulment on ground of my impotency and non-consummation. Councelling and mediation attempts in court failed. Then I filed application for my potency test by medical board.

Putting my application on hold, the FC ordered the parties to consult s*xologist/psychologist.

Is FC entitled to pronounce such order, putting my application for medical board checkup on hold,  without request for the same from both parties? If yes, can I challege such order by way of appeal/review mentioning the given below points?

a) During the consultation with s*xologist/psychologist I would have to undego medical tests.

b) The rule of thumb is that compelling a party to undergo medical test is the violation of fundamental rights given by constitution of India, but Supreme Court has granted special power to FCs to pronounce such orders with utmost care only if such medical tests are necessary to findout the medical facts in the case.

c) The present order of FC is violation of the point (b) as it creates the possibility of submitting myself for same medical tests multiple times if the consultation fails and then FC allowes my pending application for potency test by medical board which is necessary to create credible evidence.

d) So, the my application for potency test by medical board should be allowed first because the report frommedical board will become a crediable evidence and there is no need to repeat the same tests even if the counsultation of s*xologist is ordered later.

Please advice.....

 7 Replies


Wait till Tajobsindia come here to reply ..he is expert in such ques...

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V R SHROFF (Sr. ADVOCATE Bombay High Court Mob: 9892432152)     23 September 2012

Why you want to Live Life with a woman who make such Allegation, 

Forget abt true or false allegation,

Forget about technial aspect & court procedure,[violation of fundamental rights given by constitution of India ]


Why you want to compell her to live  life with you, hen she do not ant to. 

What happiness she can offer you?? Why invite unhappiness  throughout your life, wasting golden youth year?? 

Can't you change for a better one ??


Of course , Choice is yours. ********************To Fight & Dig more mud, or Saw & get greenerey / New Life & New Wife.

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Never Give Up (Fighter)     23 September 2012

Appreciate Shroffji's view.

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     23 September 2012

First interesting to note your query is blazing fire in Internet as you asked same question in many multiple forums.

Short advice to your all question is that Family Court has power to make its own Rules. Those Rules can not be dispensed with no matter what you filed first and what was not objected first!

Your query is mind games revolving nature and it is suggested to hear strategy advised to you by your own advocate instead of hearing mixed replies you got till now from various Internet based legal forums.

Oh BTW I am an expert in ‘
gynaika and not an ‘andrologist’ in case above unique Time Pass member slipped reading through my specialty reflecting from my various advises till date here J

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swasti (Manager)     23 September 2012

After consultation as per court's direction, will the s*xologist/psychologist forward any report to family court?

If yes, will the medical test results be mentioned in the report or just a success/fail report as in the case of normal counselling sessions? 

As there is good chance she/her family  try to influence the doctor, can I ask the court for medical board checkup if anything goes against me in the report?


@V R SHROFF sir, I appreciate your advices from  philosophical  point of vew, but the cases are running in courts not because of people are not aware of such philosophical views. We, the laymen, come here for practical/legal advices to win the cases even if such victory wouldn't give us anything physically good except mental satisfaction! I believe that if one spouse initiates divorce without any serious grounds leaving the other in mental trauma, the other has the right to drag the case to put the first in same mental trauma.

Ranee....... (NA)     23 September 2012

Swasti, i thin k you should go through the tests as court needs.. dont object the divorce but give the test 


Shroff, did you think the result of getting divorce on annulment for the querist?

what his future will be if he wanna try to marry next time?

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