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Rukumar (No)     14 October 2012

Disowning and selling house to parents : adverse effect?

Dear Experts,

Wife filled DV and asking for maintenance and rent for residence, Husband had a house in his name.

Parents disown the son latter.

Son sell off house to parents.

Now what could be the effect of disowning by parents and sell of house by son to the same parents after being hit by DV case in DV?

Please respond


 5 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     14 October 2012

1. Adverse
Competent Court r/w her side of legal minds will not allow you to live in peace for long till what she prayed is now somehow adjusted accordingly J

rajiv_lodha (zz)     14 October 2012

Dear experts,

The disowning factor comes again & again to the minds of ppl who are suffereing in matrimonial disharmoney. I ask a generlized question. If couple is residing separately from parents in separate house/city. Husband senses that the marriage is no rocky terrain & anything may happen in nr future (498a etc).

1) What is the right time for the parents to disown the husband

2) What shud be the correct procedure so that parents life + property is not disturbed

3) To what extent this disown thing protects from legal terrorism

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     15 October 2012



Originally posted by : rajiv_lodha


1) What is the right time for the parents to disown the husband
Take: As soon as son becomes adult i.e. 21 years, irrespective son is married off or not, once child welfare well taken care off all his growing years, given basic education, made to walk on his own two feet’s, it is just about time to pack off this adult male family member i.e. fully grown up MAN to find his own partner and start his nuclear family.

2) What shud be the correct procedure so that parents life + property is not disturbed
Take: At age 21 years of son gift him Disowning Deed which includes from properties to begin with.

3) To what extent this disown thing protects from legal terrorism
Take: Once son is disowned at 21 years irrespective son was married off or not Law is in favor of such parents.




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rajiv_lodha (zz)     16 October 2012

Impressive solution Tajob!

If parents attend marraige of such a diaowned son & entertain him as a guest for a few days, does it create legal problems i.e. will the disowning become void?

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     16 October 2012



Originally posted by : rajiv_lodha


Impressive XXX

If parents attend marraige of such a diaowned son & entertain him as a guest for a few days, does it create legal problems i.e. will the disowning become void?


Humble que. now to you since somehow I cannot give same honorifics as you gave to me;

Que.: Say during divorce proceedings if one spouse makes love (have s*x) with another spouse then what would be status of the whole very damn process now?

The answer that you may come up now is the answer from my side to your question asked to me!

Savvy !


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