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vikram A (medical)     30 October 2012

Need help 2


i thank you all for your valuable suggetions which you have given to me previously NEED HELP topic posted by me.

now i have come forward with new doubts and help from you people. iam doing my post graduation and iam thinking of further higher studies abroad and settling in abroad. my problem is passport which iam not having now. i have to apply for passport, iam separated but not divorced yet.

1.) will there be any problem in obtaining a passport by mentioning seperated but not divorced in passport application?

2.) if i go to other country will be any legal issues?

3.) if its like this for forever that my legally wed wife  not giving me divorce and iam not willing to live with her anymore then do i have to live each and every moment in fear that when is she going to file a case against me?

4.) is my life is over? cant i have a life as other normal people with a family? hmmm though she seems she will not give divorce to me.


kindly guide me.

thank you.

 2 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     31 October 2012



Originally posted by : vikram A


XXX i have to apply for passport, iam separated but not divorced yet.

1.) will there be any problem in obtaining a passport by mentioning seperated but not divorced in passport application?
India Passport Act interpretations are very straight forward in reference to context. If you are not "officially" separated then don’t give wrong information to Passport Authorities. mention "Married" as it hardly matters if by act of omissions / commissions spouses are voluntarily living "separated". It will save you from possible future troubles if any with Authorities.

2.) if i go to other country will be any legal issues?
Take: If there are no travel restrictions imposed by Court of Law then jolly well travel to
Antarctica. it is your fundamental right to Freedom granted by Constitution of India.

3.) if its like this for forever that my legally wed wife  not giving me divorce and iam not willing to live with her anymore then do i have to live each and every moment in fear that when is she going to file a case against me?
Take: Noted. No Law of land tells one to live in fear. You have low self confidence to tackle her in Court hence living in fear. The moment you rise your head all such fear will vanish is my view.

4.) is my life is over? cant i have a life as other normal people with a family? hmmm though she seems she will not give divorce to me.
Take: You are talking most of the time to yourself is my brief interpretation here. The moment you talk to your wife via Court you will know who is normal; she or you. Rise, awake and get over from such fears. Marriage is not prison and there is life beyond marriage too if one can subjectively handle the evolving situations of things called QUALITY OF MY LIFE. 

1 Like

vikram A (medical)     13 November 2012

thank you tajobsindia. thank you very much for your valuable answers.

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