Will the family court takes the perjury seriously?
Munirathnam (Scientist) 07 November 2012
Will the family court takes the perjury seriously?
Shantanu Wavhal (Worker) 07 November 2012
if the falsehood affects the matter in question, then YES.
otherwise, its not taken so seriously.
rajiv_lodha (zz) 08 November 2012
Its a general trend that court does not take PERJURY seriously!
Munirathnam (Scientist) 08 November 2012
If so, then every body lies in court without fear that amkes life of the innocent horrible..... right?
Tajobsindia (Senior Partner ) 08 November 2012
Partially right!
How one can bring “obstruction of smooth running of family courts justice delivery system” to sets of incidences which happens in closed 4 walls of your bedroom in public domain is the reason in reference to context. Every matrimonial case has on average 15% perjury elements without which neither side’s application see admission light let us face the bedroom TRUTH in public and get over with so called idealism in public speaking life once for all.
You / Your = generic stated here before you ideate to sue me :-)
Munirathnam (Scientist) 08 November 2012
Rightly said by Tajobsindia.
But those kind of allegations will not be proved by her and also by husband through perjury..... here similar kind of allegations can be alleged by husabnd....
But if any incident like injuries and treatment at hopital and other which are utter lies would eb proved by any party. Those could be considered for perjyry.