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aaalar (employed)     15 November 2012

S.c. decision donot implicate family member just on.........


S.C. decision that do not implicate family member on just their name has been mentioned in FIR ,

1. How much it helps boy’s side

2. Now what extra girls has to do for false implicating entire family of their  husband .

3. How scenario change for investigating officer.

4. How lower judiciary  prevent false implication of boy’s family member. (  As decision also has direction for lower   judiciary ) .

5. What a boy can do if IO even falsely implicate family member.

Humbly awaiting for reply.


 2 Replies

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     15 November 2012

You need to read the decision carefully. It just says that if the FIR contains the name of the family members and there is no corresponding specific allegations w.r.t. the role of each of the accused, they should not be arrested.


Don't take media reports as they appear. Most of the journalists don't have legal background to report the issues in the strict sense, how the same would be interpreted by the courts.



Shonee Kapoor
1 Like

Nick (system analyst)     02 March 2014

Mr Shonee, do you have an sc order/judgement what you are saying here? if you have pls. let ue know...if might be helpful for me.thanks in advance.

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