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Never Give Up (Fighter)     18 December 2012

Husband's way of handling criminal cases

Source :


Harassed Husband's way of handling dowry cases, maintenance cases filed against him.


There were couple of other cases also where husband shot all members of girls side for harassing him with cases...


These cases are like ALARM.. wake up..... Dont file false cases ..harassed husband once go out of control can then do ANYTHING.


Any comments ?


 7 Replies

Munirathnam (Scientist)     18 December 2012

I do not agree with this type of method by the men who have 498A cases. Just try the legal way and win the cases. It only takes some time and money but not the entire life and other's valuable life.


If this is the way to get peace then everybody would have adopted this way but it is not the case and it is not the correct way even if someone says that is the correct way with the inefficient system.


If any feels that wife filed false case then it can be proved easily?

stanley (Freedom)     18 December 2012

@ Munirathnam 

The Author of the post is only trying to say...... see what false cases lead too and is not emphassing over the fact that so and so method should be adopted . Over here its with  desperation that the person or persons has Reacted. 

The above author has stated that the husband shot the entire girls family and than shot himself for the simple reason that as per the MCD the wife had agreed to hand over the son but afterwards retirated her stand.


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Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     18 December 2012



Shonee Kapoor

Munirathnam (Scientist)     19 December 2012

In olden days if husband dies peole use to throw wife in the flames of husband. Now if wife is not happy our system is 100% destroying the husband and his family ....finalyy the wife also.

vinayak (employed)     20 December 2012

Whenever Sec. 498a or DV case is registered against perticular family I feel police should first verifiy the geniuness of the complaint and then only they should intiate legal action. (For these type of cases there should be special guidelines that needs to be laid down in absance of which inocent people will be subjected to unnecessary haressment)

Though the object of these laws is to protect a women but the same is being misused by women for reasons better known to them.

Munirathnam (Scientist)     20 December 2012



Police and court knows everything still they do that shoudl not be.

If police do honesty things who will pay money as bribe. Its loss for them. They get money more than salary through the bribes an dif someone do not pay bribe they will make sure that it is paid to reduce other loss to the victim.


I do not say every police is like this but who ever knows and again to harm to innocent those are definitely this kind of people.

Arjun Gupti (Business)     20 December 2012

I think his intensions were right but sadly he attacked the wrong person :( We will see more incidents like this in future as our GOVT., POLICE, JUDICIAL SYSTEM - all are in the process of harrassing innocent families and are forcing them to become criminals. This STUPID DOWRY LAW needs amendments ELSE there will be a REVOLT and our STUPID GOVT. will have no clue.

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