We Indians should know that the women in India don't have the same status as in western countries and also there is no such thing as social security and this is the reason Women organisations bring up laws to protect women.
The new law to protect women at workplace is really something needed as we want that our wife,sisters and mothers be treated decently at workplace.For a woman when she enters a auto or bus she gets gropped and stared and at work men pass bad comments and at shop also its the same and her boss and co-workers always try to find an opportunity to come close.The truth is in India men even a 10th class boy will be excited and eagerly waiting to watch the cleavage of a woman.This cannot be changed as we are living in closed society where we worship lingam and looking at Kamasutra but afraid to talk about it.
Now the truth is these laws to protect women are really not being used only because its not properly drafted and for this purpose Mens rights organisations like SIFF should file a PIL against laws like 498a and DV and instead of protesting to make it gender neutral they should make the law clear and define the terms like dowry,stridhan,cruelty etc.
Also the most important is to exclude family members and parents from disputes between husband and wife and if husband really found guilty then punish him instead of punishing his parents and family.Also after marriage its responsibility of husband to take care of wife but i have seen cases where its been told that its also responsibility of the father-in-law which is really shocking.
SIFF needs different approach and sit together with Women's Organisation and get the law drafted clearly so our women are really protected and those women who misuse the law be severly punished.Its time for men and women to work together.Till now SIFF could do nothing other than organising few small protests which never get noticed by anyone.
There was a movie named 498a Wedding gift which was supposed to be released but it seems Suhaib Illyasi is not in mood to release it anytime