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lexbery (d)     13 March 2013

Property in to-be wife's name

i have a strange question.

my son is in love with a girl who is of higher status then us,they have agreed for the marriage but they have only 1 condition,they want her daughters name in my new flat with 50% share.

obviously i wount register her name before their marrige,but the girls parents are adameent,they say its for her financial son is doinig business with me but has no property in his name.

the girls father's sister has personaly told us that this is in tradition of the girls family,they make sure that their is some kind of property in their to-be husband name,this is done so that in future if the father and son have dispute atleast they wount be homeless and they have done this with all her 3 other daughter which was arrange marriage.

so i want to ask how to tackel this situation,to the best of my knowledge if i gift 50% share of flat to my son,will his wife also not become equal owner of this 50% after marriage??

 5 Replies

Msk-need -nuetral- laws (self)     13 March 2013

Dear sir,

You can tell them that 50% share can be gifted and transferred to your son. This way he has the residence, but registering on her name is not a welcome idea, once you registered in her name, your son has no right as gifted property to bride always  considered as stridhan and cannot be asked back later if any issues arise out of the marriage.

Coming to the question, if you gift to your son, it is inherited property and only your son and son's kids are rightful. Wife cannot have right on it. 

1 Like

lexbery (d)     13 March 2013

dear sir,

thank you for the reply,i have my doubt clear,so i can only gift to my son but not my daughter in law,neither before marriage nor after marriage.

but they this fulfil security of my son,but it does not secure their daughter,is their any way for that so that i can give them a proposal??

Ranee....... (NA)     13 March 2013

Reverse dowry!!!!!!!!

Please don't do this..

ragz hyder (PM)     14 March 2013

Frankly DONT Do this.

You are doing out of love for your son. But if your son is really getting into this kind of marriage with these kind of in-laws and wife who cant stand for him his life is going to be hell.

also, for no fault of yours your life could be hell. Please read the posts in these forums. All kinds of women - money mongerers are out there. If your DIL gets half the shaare it means she is going to be staying with you whihc means you are going to be opening up yourself for 498 and DV. You cannot or your son also cannot ask her to leave your house since she is half owner. She will basically boss you around.

Please...there are many people here suffering due to marriage and judging by the number of posts it seems to be more men than women.Dont vicitmize your son to such a family.

Msk-need -nuetral- laws (self)     14 March 2013

I too dont understand when it is love marriage and when they are assured that son has half of the property what is the point for girl family to insist security in the name of her. dont they trust your son? If trust is not there even before marriage,then how that marriage will go healthy in long run? There are some gold investment schemes where your son can own and deposit which will return to her let us say after 5 years, if they have any worry, but i dont encourage personally

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