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Kiran Kumar (Lawyer)     31 July 2009


all the Respectable members are humbly requested not to post news items in the FORUM section.


every news can not be discussed here....let the forum be confined to legal discussions.


dont flood the froum with irrelavent can be better posted in News Section.


 10 Replies

advchennai (Advocate)     31 July 2009

I too subscribe the views of Kiran. Once can raise a discussion based on a news item. Bute mere posting the news in forum is boring.  

1 Like

veenzar (Advocate)     31 July 2009

What happens is too many news items are posted in forum which do not make any sense. Thanks Mr.Kiran for raising this issue. 

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SANJAY DIXIT (Advocate)     31 July 2009

Thanks Mr Kiran for raising such issue. The LCI site is well featured and if the post is made in the RIGHT category , it will be very helpful for all the members and easily searchable in the hour of needs.

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Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Advocate )     31 July 2009

Dear Kiran I agree with  you and  i have also noticerd some posts are simply the news only !

Legla Matters can be psoted in Forum and General matters be   posted in other category  


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Swami Sadashiva Brahmendra Sar (Nil)     31 July 2009

Dear Kiran ji, I apreciate your appeal. news item should not be posted in this column. But it should be permissible if the thread starter attaches a legal query or  legal comment to it.

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PRAKASHCHANDRA MARU (lawyer)     31 July 2009

Thanks for the raising the question and request to the experts who post the items in the news category


























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Raman ( )     01 August 2009

True, we have been seeing more News items in the Forum section now a days. This request should be honored by the Admin of LCI for our own benefit and discourage the members who are misusing the web site.

My 2 cents:


  1. One should gain the score points in a graceful manner.
  2. One should not depend on the cut & paste material while helping the other users unless it is required to do so. It is always better to pour one's own thoughts first.
  3. Do not flood with section numbers or court language before explainig the logic to the users uness it is required to do so. Please remember, not all users of this website are legal professionals.     

I made my sincere comments here though am not an Advocate. If my perception is wrong, please correct me.


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Adinath@Avinash Patil (advocate)     01 August 2009

good morning  kiran i agree with your request.

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N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     01 August 2009

I agree with the views of  Sir.Sanjay , Sir.Rao and Sir.Tripathi, etc that there should be limit to it.

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Shobha (Advocate)     01 August 2009


yes it is right. let us have more legal mind share their thoughts.

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