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mruthyunjaya (other)     02 April 2013

Parking of vehical

Do i have any rights to ask if any one parks vehicle in front of my house which is a dead end road.
please guide me. 

 7 Replies

Nandakishore polya (Lecturer in Law legal counselor)     02 April 2013

usualy parking the vehicle in front of the house falls under the category of nuisance. U can have a right to ask. (easementary rights)u just request them to remove the vehicle from there.If its a public place then also u have a right to tell with that owner for remove vehicle from no parking area.

ADVOCATE Prem Joshi (Advocate/ Legal Consultant)     02 April 2013

If someone park the vehicle in front of your door then you can say only.

mruthyunjaya (other)     02 April 2013

dont we have any rights to ask him not to park in front of the gate. since it is a dead end road. he says that the half of the road belongs to him and their  is sufficient space near his house he parks just front of my house  just to trouble us.

Nandakishore polya (Lecturer in Law legal counselor)     02 April 2013

u can get complete right ask the question with him.if ur privilege curtailed then u have a choice to give notice for's simply creating nuisance for u.u just tell him that u vl be gng to bring this issue to particular department. tell him that u vl know how to remove that pared vehicle lawfully.
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Manish Udar (www.Mehnat.IN)     02 April 2013

This is not a private nuisance.

mruthyunjaya (other)     03 April 2013

sir what can be done for this.. if it is not private nuisance

Trupthi Agarwal (advocate)     06 April 2013

firstly its not any body's private road that he says half of the road is mine and secondly when he parks his vehicle just infront of your house you can object it as it is infringing your easmentry rights

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