I received many private PM’s over time and most men questioned me with a common theme, i.e. Generically challenging me;
“one side you sounds to be men’s rights activist but more or less you subscribe to mutual consent divorce as is evident from lots of your query replies in LCI hence question arise; are you not advising men’s to give away their hard earned assets instead of suggesting them to fight?”
Colly reply to such PM’s of several LCI readers that I received till date is clarified with below street life observations;
Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman [he is an Israeli-American psychologist and winner of the 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. He is notable for his work on the psychology of judgment and decision-making, behavioral economics and hedonic psychology] writes the following on loss aversion in his epic book ‘Thinking fast and Slow'.
"..... Animals including people fight harder to prevent losses than to achieve gain. In the world of territorial animals, this principle explains the success of defenders. A biologist observed that "when a territory holder is challenged by a rival, the owner almost always wins the contest - usually within a matter of seconds.... "
Question:- How did men, who were supposed to be born defenders give up so much of their "matrimonial" and democratic territory when faced by radical feminists and their ilk?
Street observations:- There is something in male biology and juices that masks or overtakes normal defensive behavior when facing their metro wife in corridors of
“I think it is due to the reason that men perceive women weaker and are ready to lose some grounds instead of being tagged as suppressor of weaker.”
To whomsoever I have advised for MCD, such advice actually meant MCD on zero payment in case spouses have no minor child from wedlock and if minor child from wedlock there then MCD with zero amount to weaker spouse along with un-restricted visitation of child r/w maintenance for child coextensively payable by both parting spouses as social welfare least male is tagged as suppressor of weaker.
I am now all clarified with above quote to all those colly. readers writing PM’s to me and I feel I do not need more explanations to give than what is necessary which readers may differ till their chance for mutual consent divorce is in the air shows up.