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prem (helper)     22 May 2013

Two marriages


one of my friend named ashish has done two marriages, both of the wifes has kid. One has boy and another has a girl. He did this before 1 year. He asked me that this is legal or what? Or if this is not legal than what should he do to make both marriages legal, because both of the wifes cannot go back at their home due to love marriages. He has done love marriage with both of them. He love his both wifes and cannot leave them because of baby. He looks after both of them equally. Both wifes are living very well but not together. Actually both are in trust of ashish. Both of the wifes does not know about another wife of his husband. Kindly let me know so i can help my friend. Actually i know he did very wrong thing, but i dont want to spoil his both kids life. Thatsy i told him that i will help him. Please let me know what should he do to make both marriage legal.

 15 Replies

Adv Archana Deshmukh (Practicing Advocate)     22 May 2013

Nothing can be done. Only a muslim man can legally remarry during the lifetime of his first wife.

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Ek Maali - Do phool

Until, the time the first would come to know about the second and they both get to know how deep his love is for both of them, he is out of trouble, the moment it happens, then pray start praying for him unless he is not a muslim.

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prem (helper)     22 May 2013

Actually before second marriage both girls have meet each other. one was his wife and another was his just friend. both girls fight like dog and cat for her husband and friend. at that time his wife call police and they take him to the police station but after few hours they release him. After few days he won his wife trust and live happy with her. At that time he told a fake story to his friend and get married after few days, nowadays he lives with both wife with kids. what to do please him i really thankful to you. One of my friend told him that go to some dargah or muslim's place and accept muslim religion. is this possible for him to dont face the legal problems in future?


Embrace Islam.

prem (helper)     22 May 2013

actually he got scared to tell his both wife about each other and her kid. As he know that his wife call the police and he went to jail so thats y i am asking for a advice to keep him away from any legal problem.

Adv Archana Deshmukh (Practicing Advocate)     22 May 2013

hahaha... if the 2 ladies fights like cats and dogs for husband and friend without knowing the reality and the wife goes to the extent of calling the police for small fights then, what she would do when she would come to know about his second marriage? She may surely call the police again..! and file S. 494, 498A, DV and whatever possible sections she can put against him and show him jail again !!

As you sow so shall you reap !!!

Your friend have sown the seeds of an offence, now let him reap the fruits.........!!!

Also he has cheated his gf by telling her fake story and induced her to marriage, she can also put him in trouble legally...

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Do naav mein safar karna bahut danger hota he :-))

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     22 May 2013

1.    To be honest it takes a special kind of person who can handle a bigamous relationship without need to flare experiencing jealousy among his two love interests. If he has married twice then he is that special person, now it is matter of mind tuning to come up to their expectations is all that can be socially said about this brief leaving aside law.

2.    Ask him to visit marriage counselor on and off to learn tricks to bigamous marriages and apply the same in real life situation in Indian context as from long time it is still in our culture.

3.    He may take cue from society famous figures how they are maintaining two wives and till it lasts he should pay equal attention to both his wives calling them as his no. 1 love - trust interest instead of no. 2 and look after his both children’s equally as from one relationship.

These are delicate social balancing act and normally it is seen the elder wife (first one) in such relationship she adjusts with passage of time as showing criminal law (no doubt it is there as deterrent) is not solution if the man in respective women’s life is performing well his husbandly 'duties' is what one may make either spouse understand is my view.

2 Like

prem (helper)     22 May 2013

thatsy i have posted here to take some help from all of yours. Actually i know my friend very well. there will be some bad  situation thatsy he did this. Today he is looking both of the wife. He fulfil every demand of both but he told me that one day his neighbour or some another person will come to know than what should he do? Because he lives with 1st wife in the morning and in the night with his second wife. He told his 1st wife that he is doing job in night shift and to 2nd wife that he is doing job in morning shift. Actually he is doing online advertisement job so he can work from home. As i know police department will never allow to do this as this marrige  is not legal. kindly let me know if there any a single option to give him a nice life. as he spoil his life i knw.

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     22 May 2013

1.    There is nothing else he is supposed to do. All those solutions were rightly advised by other repliers herein, he should have thought before marrying second time in a subsisting marriage all these and religion change now is also not a legal solution at all as it is done before marriage and second till forth marriages in leading life in same religion or post religion change is always with consent of first wife even in Indian Muslims.

2.    What will be done may be done by one of his wife on whispers of society till that time he can juggle his day-night shift stories by keeping respective wives at a distance from each other’s localities – touch / contacts. In metros it is possible as the size of large metros makes two feline contenders for common space not see each others face so soon is remote.

3.    For gossip mongers I doubt neighbor knowing one wife in one locality will also know another wife in another locality and even be it so he cannot escape such snooping unless he changes one wife’s city on plea of some fictitious job relocation grounds and ½ time in a month he spent in one city and rest time in another city citing ‘traveling nature’ of such relocated job.

4.    If any case comes on floor of Court all he can plead is ‘plea bargaining’ wherein lesser compensation – lesser punishment if proved may get awarded to him that also based on showing good conduct to respective families he supported just before case went to floor of the Court and issues with respective minors welfare, thus ask him to keep evidences of money or such family expenses spent in safe place respectively; Courts have  normally allowed on compassionate grounds plea bargaining in reference to fact but then compensation amount to left over second wife – minor child from that wife becomes higher as is seen in majority of cases and is all what may happen as if it is meant to happen, no point pondering now in great depth, that time he has already crossed. People should think deep before such crime of passion are committed not after such crime of passion is dispensed with and seek remedy and thus seek legal brains out for some remedy………

5.    I am aware you are looking for that ‘perfect solution’ for your alleged to be friend, well, there is none in Law as two factors comes into play; society for which laws are there and law which follows society. If perfect solution which you are searching here and call it as single option to be given then ask your friend to divorce with good compensation to one of his love interest which in social milieu such bigamous personalities rarely do but then society always had its unique examples and ask him now to lead one such example from front? Will he and/or the larger social question now is will you tell him to do so? My Re. 1 bet – YOU SHOULD!

6.    Hence I suggest you who by now know lots of insight from these replies and thus suggested to donot ask more questions on morality issues which are brushing social laws and are anyhow very very personal in nature and controversial too from each repliers point of view, as such issues are resting on fine balance between a persons morality or how society takes it all as to which he inhabits and only he should find a solution to his bigamous issues and a directional hints may be given as he is now not a minor person is my final stand as in public forums such questions may not be encouraged to such discussion depths.

[Last reply]

Nitish Banka (lawyer)     22 May 2013

Your friend is sitting on a dynamite...tell him to leave one of the wife or it will explode already bigamy has been commited...or embrace islam 

Ranee....... (NA)     22 May 2013

what you can do is call both wives from public booth and tell each wife about the other and give addresses too.Then watch and enojoy!!  :P:D

also buy some good books and magazines for your friend to read in ****.

Ranee....... (NA)     23 May 2013

i doubt this is a fake thread.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     23 May 2013

ranee's doubt is justified

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