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aisha (lecturer)     21 June 2013

Service matter

sir ,I have been working in an unaided teacher trainee college since 6 years .I have university approval also .my appointment was done by selection committee ,and as per advertisement they said that salary will be as per Ugc norms.but they didn't give full sary only fixed salary of rs 9000 was given to us for 4 years .my staff members approached to principal and secretary many a times about increase in pay but they didnt pay attention.when one of our staff member approached to university grievance cell the employer increased our salary to 30000 but they told affiliation team and NCTE that they are giving us salary of 6th they dont wnt to give us full salary and threatening us by saying that society is going to close down the course and they not even involved in admission process also.their intention is to close down unaided section ,they didnt inform about this now they are saying that we will give you notice that your services are not required any more. what action should be taken against them ?please suggest me some way as we all are 17 staff members.


 4 Replies

Prashant Ghai (Advocate) (     22 June 2013

You need to approach the High Court and file a Writ Petition under Article 226 of the Constitution challening their arbitrary actions as soon as possible.

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Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     22 June 2013

meet nearest available lawyer.

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Kumar Doab (FIN)     23 June 2013


Learned experts/members have given valuable advice. Kindly follow it.


All affected employees may carefully go thru the ‘Job Advertisement’ and appointment letter as well and check whether they were appointed under the same ‘Head and Post’ as advertised. All teachers may explore the possibility of claiming amounts less paid by employer.

Your lawyer that has seen all documents can advise best.


Teachers are not covered as ‘Workman’.

The employees have taken a wise step by approaching the university grievance cell.


Whatever is stated by employer to affiliation team and NCTE, all employees may update this team on facts in writing and peruse further. RTI route can be perused to obtain the docs and proceedings.


As the employer has not conducted admissions it may be due to the tactical reasons, to separate from employees who can agitate.


Firm up your next venture as ap.


You are eligible for Gratuity.




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Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     08 November 2013

agreed with Mr Kumar Doab

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