Dear experts,
Plz let me the answer of the following questions as these are curosity arised to know the extreme facts of the gender biased law:
1. If a divorce case goes to SC court as appealant is husband and no divorce is granted to him against his wife but the husband is so much adamant and reluctant to live with her wife that he can't live with her as he will die by suffocation of such marriage.Then what will happen as all doors are closed now, do he will suffer rest of his life till he die?
2. What if a wife false 498a on husband and his parents and husband denies the allegations on him but due to corrupt law and order he is arrested and sent to jai and doesn't gets bail and in meantime the judge make his final judgement as the husband is accused and gives him the 3 years imprissonment,so in this case if wife asks for mainetenance then how the husband will pay the maintenance as he is in jail now?
3. After completion of 3 years of 498a do he is bound to keep his wife as his punishment is over now and it is his wish to keep such lady along with him or not?
I will be very thankful for your depth answers.