@lawgiantmen: She is your legally wedded wife. So long she has the status, she can claim her right to residence in the place where you reside or which is considered as her matrimonial home or where she had lived even for a short time the matrimonial life. If for your convenience you transfer the properties on your mother or siblings name and claim that you dont have any home and she has no right to enter into your mother's home, it will looked down and your mal-intentions will come to light even without hearing your explanations. You are duty bound to maintain her, give her food, clothing, protection and shelter, you do not have any escape to it under the law. Have you filed a divorce case?, if so, what is the stage?, If you are staying in your mother's house, what is your right in that house?, can you not understand that a wife is entitled to live with her husband as per law, Hindu marriage is not a contract that you can throw the wife if you do not like her by terminating the relationship. It is sacred and sanctum of the marriage has its own values, so do not run a risk because the prevailing laws are very strict and stringent protecting the women' sentimental feelings.