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Shantanu Wavhal (Worker)     21 January 2012

Role of nc by husband

wife, MIL, FIL, BIL - threatenening husband to file false cases.

will NC given by husband be of any help for him in future ?


 6 Replies


Inadequate content for any meaninful conversation. When are you seeking free help, at least provide details. Indicate which city you are located and whether you are looking for a lawyer ? 

Is this 498 ? 


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Shantanu Wavhal (Worker)     22 January 2012

@ Adam Sir,


Since not mentioned specifically, neither 498a nor DV, nor search for lawyer.

I wonder, whether name of city will make any difference.


Provide some information to the forum in some structured format. Some of the lawyers here are very experienced and even the newbie lawyers may be able to help. By providing city, the local lawyers of that may be motivated to reach out to you and offer to represent you.   See if you can share the following.

1. Year of marriage ( the lawyers may want to know the length of marriage )

2. Whether marriage was registered under HMA/which act 

3. Your proffession/job - ( lawyers want to know your ability to pay).Her proffesion and status.

4. Age- yours , hers.Is this a - you are 75 and she is 19   ? 

5. Allegations from her side. Specifics of allegations. You stating : threatening husband to file false case" doesnt have any ground to stand on. 

(a) How long have the allegations and complaints been on - one day, one month, one year ? 

(b) Do you have any evidence or witness to support the claim that their allegations are false ? 

(c) Who did you report these false allegations to - Family, friends, Temple poojari, neighbor.

6. Do you have children with her ? 

7. Are you currently co-habiting under same roof and in conjugal relationship ? Are you taking care of her ? 

8. Have you done anything that may be used by her family against you - anything at all. Verbal, physical, emotional, financial ? 

9. What do you think is their motive behind these false allegations ? What do you think they want out of these allegations ? 

10. Are you or her under any medical treatment for physical or mental issues ? 

11. Are you an alcholic ? 

If you have not done anything, why should you fear. 

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Shantanu Wavhal (Worker)     22 January 2012

husband has done nithing wrond.

wife and In Laws are threatening just because they know that laws are gender biased & favouring them.

marriage = 9 months

child = n/a

living status = wife deserted before 3 months

Anand Bali Adv. (Advocate Solicitor & Consultant)     29 April 2014

Dear Victim Worker Amit,

Your wife left you after 6 months is a cruelty against husband if she is willfully deserted you, any wife keeping distance either by wy of the not living with her husband or even if living with his depriving him fore the physical relations specially just after the marriage or there after is a cruelty against the husband if he has asked her without applying any force for the same and she has refused this bluntly. Denial by itself is a sufficient cause because it causes frustration to the other spouse.Narmal and happy s*xual relations are ingredients of a happy and successful marital life. A will full denial when the other party is anxious is a cruelty, and even non performing the conjugal obligations is also a cruelty against husband.

In this situation it is better for you to apply for the Restoration of Conjugal Rights application after 3 months and meanwhile put a police complaint for protection from her as she is threatening you . Though, by this you can not avoid her complaints filing against you if she wishes to do so under Domestic Violence Act and under 498A. which is a criminal offence.

For further legal assistance on nominal charges,  you can contact undersigned on below given  phone number.

Advise, always take assistance from an experienced and well educated Advocate of the field. You can see my credentials on site for my appraisal.

Click "LIKE" in appreciation of the above answer.

Anand Bali, Adv.
(B.Com., M.A., LL.B., M.B.A.)

Supreme Court Of India,
High Court & District Courts of Delhi, UP & UK.
For Civil, Criminal, Property, Recovery, Consumer,
Service & Family Dispute Matters.


Ph: 9582144748

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Shantanu Wavhal (Worker)     29 April 2014

thank you, sir.

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