I was not paid my full & final settlement by my employer and my employer is reluctant to pay travel expense reimbursement and my notice pay saying that I have been dismissed on the disciplinary ground and they are not liable to make any payment to me.At the time of joining I was signed an offer letter and last pages of terms & conditions.I insisted for the entire terms & conditions but they provided the same after my joining which I disagreed to sing in all pages.Now after one year,when I resigned they are saying in case of summary dismissal,all payment to the employee is seized.Since,I haven't signed any agreement what is the logic of summary dismissal!!I believe,It's tactic not to pay the outgoing employees by this company.I have gathered they have earlier also terminated 3-4 employees and this US based MNC do not respect Indian Employees and India Rules & regulation.Can anybody help me with way out to recover my dues from this company?