I was subjected to s*xual harrassment on a train while travelling alone. I called for the Ralway Police and I was asked to give a written complaint to the Police. Two years later I was summoned as witness to the Court of the Judicial Magistrate . The police did not provide a lawyer to help or advise me. The police told me that I could speak to the Judge directly. The accused did not appear in Court that day ! (1)Is this fair that the Police do not present the accused in Court but the Witness is summoned and forced to be present?
I was asked to tell the Court the details of my complaint. I was ready for cross examination but the lawyer for the accused said he was not ready for it and that the cross examination should be posted to another day. I have to travel from another State to attend the Court . I told the judge this but still my cross examination was posted to another State. Now I have been summoned again. The police tell me there is no surety that the cross examination will take place but I still have to come from another State and be present in Court. The Police tell me that there is every chance that the case might get postponed and then I will have to come again. Please tell me if this the course of the law will any woman file a complaint and will any justice be done? This is the very reason that perpetrators of crimes against women are repeatedly happening.
I work as a very senior officer in a private Compnay and so does my husband. Each time not only do I have take leave from work and travel, my husband has to take days off from work and come along with me, not withstanding the travel and stay costs involved etc . (2) Please advise how I can get justice and a closure on the Case. I was under the impression that the law of the land is now changed to protect the rights of women against s*xual harrassment and there would be quick redressal . (3) Also please tell me if it is not necessary and essential that the police provide a lawyer for me?
Awaiting a learned and correct response. ThankYou.