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Neha   24 June 2016


My mother gifted me some money through cheques few years back. Now, considering that my brother might create problems regarding that money, I and my mother want to get it in writing that she gifted me that money. 

What is the best way to do it? Do we need to get this document registered? And How should that be worded?

I would appreciate if someone could suggest a draft. 



 3 Replies

Kumar Doab (FIN)     24 June 2016

Repeated Query:

TS Makkar   24 June 2016

It is not mandatory to get a gift deed for cash or movable property as the transfer is complete by delivery, however, there is no harm in getting a registered gift deed made.

When was it exactly transferred ?? as it may be barred by limitation also

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JustAdvisor (IT)     24 June 2016

since you have received the money through cheque, how have you showed it in your IT returns?
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