Dear Rajan, Well Iam of the view that there is a difference between setting the criminal machinery inti motion and standing in the court populrly known as Locus standi. For instance a person saw a bank being looted can filed FIR or complaint to the Magistrate etc though he has no personal interest or say a murder being committed etc. But standing in court or what we call it as locus Stndi are as followes: "The right of individuals to bring proceedings ... when they are not personally affected (other than of course in their sensibilities) by the law or regulations complained of...."
"The court would not listen, of course, to a mere busybody who was interfering in things which did not concern him. But it will listen to anyone whose interests are affected by what has been done."
In her book entitled Locus Standi, Australian jurist Leslie Stein defines it as:
"... the existence of a right of an individual or group of individuals ... to have a court enter upon an adjudication of an issue ... before that court by proceedings instigated by the individual or group."
"A place of standing; standing in court. A right of appearance in a court of justice ... on a given question.
"Roughly speaking, this place of standing, enabling a person to appear before and be heard by a court in relation to a given question, may be acquired in one of two ways: as of right, in reliance upon one's own private interests in the question (private interest standing); or with leave of the court in reliance largely upon the public's interest in the question (public interest standing).
"And standing may exist, or be granted, in both civil and criminal proceedings, proceedings of one sort or another involving claims of various kinds, including a claim that a law is unconstitutional."