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bhaskar1234 (ewrw)     25 September 2017

Case query

hello sir,

my question is after getting divorce almost 3years  my ex wife  file a civil suit under section 27 of hma for recovery of stridhan sir i want to know about this case is maintainable because i  read that no claim without pending any hma case.

sir my second question is after divorce my ex wife still using my surname can i take any legal action againest him,

sir  please advice me if possible any case reference or judgments related to my case please share me thanks is advance


 3 Replies

Vijay Raj Mahajan (Advocate)     25 September 2017


Section 27. HMA provides, Disposal of property:—In any proceeding under this Act, the court may make such provisions in the decree as it deems just and proper with respect to any property presented, at or about the time of marriage, which may belong jointly to both the husband and the wife.

Stridhan is an absolute property of the woman/wife not jointly owned property of both husband and wife. Section 27 applies to property presented at or about the time of marriage not thereafter or before the marriage. Here too the term used is "which may belong jointly to both ..." that doesn't mean the court cannot take in consideration the property that belongs to any one of the parties. If the wife has taken any property with her that was belonging exclusively to the husband that too can be sought back by the husband if wife is seeking her stridhan back from the husband.

The disposal of property has to be done at the time of making decree of divorce. Although section 27 of HMA has kept the issue open for this issue of disposal or property even after passing of decree of divorce as the court provided discretionary power to decide this issue as it deems just and proper, hence even after so many years of the passing of decree of divorce the application u/s 27 HMA was entertained by the Family Court.

In your case the application seems maintainable although in defense the objections with regard to time limit as well not being jointly owned property of both can always be raised as explained above.

As far using sir name by wife that is her discretion as any person can use any name or sir name as he/she so desire, however you can always make this an issue in defense against her application u/s 27HMA, pointing this to the Family Court and seeking an injunction order against her using your sir name after the divorce finalization long back.

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manoj   25 September 2017

call me for your query at cell no 8686159292

Adv Radhika Mehta (Advocate)     25 September 2017

Originally posted by : bhaskar1234

hello sir,

my question is after getting divorce almost 3years  my ex wife  file a civil suit under section 27 of hma for recovery of stridhan sir i want to know about this case is maintainable because i  read that no claim without pending any hma case.

No this application will not be maintainable as the section itself reads:- " In any proceeding pending under this Act....".  This clearly shows that the provisions of this Section can only be applied if there is litigation pending between both the parties.  

sir my second question is after divorce my ex wife still using my surname can i take any legal action againest him,

No, you cannot take any legal action against your wife.  The Bombay High Court and several other courts as well have held that a woman can continue to use her husband's surname even after Divorce. 


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