In the year 1984 the Govt of Odisha started the settlement of plots and other properties. During that period, my father expired. I was working out of state, and my mother aged 80years was living alone. Since my mother was not educated she was unable to submit the required papers at the settlement office. Later on I discovered 3 of our plots have been moved to govt registry. As per rule, I filed a petition at the commission court for settlement and submitted the required documents to prove my ownership. The commission of settlement, Odisha ordered the tehsildar of the region to transfer the ownership of the plot from govt to myself.cBut the tehsildar didn’t acknowledge me, and the case has been pending since then. I waited for 3years, but the tehsildar didn’t consider the order and continued to ignore it. The case has now ultimately moved to high court. The High Court of Odisha on basis on the decision given by Commission of court re-ordered the tehsildar. Even after High Court’s order the tehsildar didn’t action. So after that I filed contempt at the High Court. Contempt was allotted for hearing under single bench. But the court is not functioning since approximate 2years. I am now 64 years old, with high risk heart disease. I seek your attention and advise. Thank you.
The above is a request from a known person. This is not my personal post. The requester is an old person. Please pour in your advise.