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Ahmad   26 November 2017

Framed under corporate s*xual harassment act

One female colleague from other department along with my colleague(from which i had personal grudge) framed me under s*xual harassment case and the ICC team(who are biased to girl) had given judgement that i am the culprit.I have shown all documents/ but they have not allowed any witness to prove me right.I hade asked them to see the CCTV footage and in/out timing would matching with me.Or any type of calls/messages from my phone had happened to her ..But they have given jugdement in her favour and my HR team have forcefully asked me to resigned from the company.Please suggest what would i do ? 

Shall i go for defamation case against both(girl and boy) ?

Also can i go against my company who had not given me any chnace to prove me right ?



 5 Replies

KISHAN DUTT KALASKAR (Advocate)     26 November 2017

First you have to exhaust alternative remedy that is appeal before higher authority, if there is any provision. OR You may directly, at your risk approach the Hon'ble High Court seeking quashment of orders passed by prescribed authority

My initial mobile/personal consultation  fee is Rs.2,000/- Drafting of Legal Notice fee Rs.5,000/- Drafting of any petition to be filed anywhere in India in any Court will be Rs.10,000/- Drafting of written arguments fee Rs.10,000/-. Online Services will be rendered on submission of documents by courier or scanned through e-mail For Local Bengaluru cases, for every appearance Rs.2,000/-. If interested contact me at the following address:


Kishan Dutt Kalaskar

No.74, 1st Floor, 6th Cross,

Opp: Beauty Parlour,



Mob: 9686971935

Land Ph: 080-23461189


Ahmad   26 November 2017

Hi Sir,

what is the risk ? i didnot get your comment "OR You may directly, at your risk approach the Hon'ble High Court seeking quashment of orders passed by prescribed authority"

Adv. Aditya (Litigator GROSON ADVISORS)     26 November 2017

If you want to retain your job, you have to file appeal against the order of conviction against you. consult a local lawyer on account of the same. You will be able to succeed in defamation if the charge of s*xual harassment is disproved in appeal. 

1 Like

Ahmad   26 November 2017

thanks Aditya...

Ahmad   04 December 2017

Hi Aditya,

Any idea if lodging case has some time lines.Like after 2-3 months i will be not elegible or authorized to lodged case against them ?

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