Mailapalli Kumar krishna 08 August 2018
Vijay Raj Mahajan (Advocate) 08 August 2018
Mailapalli Kumar krishna 08 August 2018
Mailapalli Kumar krishna 08 August 2018
Mailapalli Kumar krishna 08 August 2018
Kumar Doab (FIN) 10 August 2018
GO thru;
15. Validity of foreign marriages in India.—Subject to the other provisions contained in this Act, a marriage solemnized in the manner provided in this Act shall be good and valid in law.
CHAPTER III REGISTRATION OF FOREIGN MARRIAGES SOLEMNIZED UNDER OTHER LAWS 17. Registration of foreign marriages.—(1) Where— (a) a Marriage Officer is satisfied that a marriage has been duly solemnized in a foreign country in accordance with the law of that country between parties of whom one at least was a citizen of India; and (b) a party to the marriage informs the Marriage Officer in writing that he or she desires the marriage to be registered under this section, 6 the Marriage Officer may, upon payment of the prescribed fee, register the marriage. (2) No marriage shall be registered under the section unless at the time of registration it satisfies the conditions mentioned in section 4. (3) The Marriage Officer may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, refuse to register a marriage under this section on the ground that in his opinion the marriage is inconsistent with international law or the comity of nations. (4) Where a Marriage Officer refuses to register a marriage under this section the party applying for registration may appeal to the Central Government in the prescribed manner within a period of thirty days from the date of such refusal; and the Marriage Officer shall act in conformity with the decision of the Central Government on such appeal. (5) Registration of a marriage under this section shall be effected by the Marriage Officer by entering a certificate of the marriage in the prescribed form and in the prescribed manner in the Marriage Certificate Book, and such certificate shall be signed by the parties to the marriage and by three witnesses. (6) A marriage registered under this section shall, as from the date of registration, be deemed to have been solemnized under this Act