Most of modern gated colonies developed by DDA GDA JDA and private builders are gated or non gbated and invariably are maintained not bymunicipal corporations or DDA but by regsitered welafre societies under societies act and are covered also by aprtments acts of states
The members are obliged and forced to give contrinution but are hardly protected and given adequate servcies by societies which are again based on elected body called managing comittee csetism regionalism corruprtion and non accountabiklity .There is no authority effective to control the foul act perpetrators.
Sinc emember pays for servcies provided t society and there are essential servcies involved like water supply electricity within campus gate securuity and common araeas alike comunity halls and parks , are members covered by deficiency of servcies and claliaming comopensation form socuiety ?
Where they can complain for intervetion agaijst politicking and corrupt MC normally for 2-4 years period and diversion of funds not giving balance csheets details budgets and arbitrary exppenses