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S Singh   23 January 2019

Employment proof for Maintenance

Wife claiming that husband's income is 50000 p.m. while husband is saying that he lost his job in a private company 3 months back and has no income source for now.

1. How wife can proof income of husband where she knows company address of her husband only?

2. If husband really had 50k earning in private company but lost job 3 months back then still court will decide Maintenance based on previous earnings?

3. Is it possible to get income information of husband from a private company legally?

Kindly provide your advice.

 2 Replies

Vijay Raj Mahajan (Advocate)     23 January 2019

Get the record of the husband's work and income summoned in the court to prove his work profile and income. If he is without job that will be confirmed by these records. As far his new job is concerned that need to be checked from other sources available.
1 Like

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     24 January 2019

1. What is your locus standie to the query i.e., how you are concerned?

2. What is the advise/ stretegy of your lawyer engaged to by you through whom you have claimed income of husband to be Rs. 50,000/- pm ?


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