Mr. Sam takes sign of Mr. Ram on some terms and conditions and then gets it notarized. how valid is that document. does it stand as a proof in the court.
sharon (executive) 30 March 2010
Mr. Sam takes sign of Mr. Ram on some terms and conditions and then gets it notarized. how valid is that document. does it stand as a proof in the court.
It is not valid. The affirmant who is signing the document has to be present before the Notary in person and needs to be identified by another person (preferably an advocate) and then only the Notary can attest the document. The Notary is bound to keep a Notarial Registered where the person signing also will have to write his name and address and signature.
bhagwat patil (Property due diligence 9422773303) 30 March 2010
agree with mr vasudevan.but now a days lot of people misusing the same.
Ashok. B.V. (Executive-Legal) 09 April 2010
I AGREE WITH Mr. Vasudevan & Bhagavath Patil