Originally posted by : Ramakrishnaraju |
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yesterday one Officer from the Airports Authority was caught red handed while receiving the cash from the party. He was charged under section 7 of the IPC. 2011 there was a case like this in Southern Part of india that an officer was caught same way like yesterday. I was told now that the case was over and he got his promotion and everything. Where is the problem lies? Why there was no follow up ? |
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The exercise should have been like this,
Produce before magistrate
Magistrate goes ahead with questioning, asks the accused if he agrees with the charges. The accused should have said yes, guilty and pleaded to let to or reduce sentence.
Would that have happened? No. Honesty is a dream land idea. It exists in movies and moral science stories.
The case would have been closed.
If you want you can file RTI application seeking information and do follow up. IPO 10 rs.
All that is waste of time and money. India is corrupt like any other country. Chose your neta properly. more importantly dont forget to Caste your vote.