Ayush Mishra 19 May 2019
SIVARAMAPRASAD KAPPAGANTU (Retired Manager) 20 May 2019
Ayush Mishra 20 May 2019
G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.) 20 May 2019
Whoever survives can claim such amount after providing the death certificate in original and informing yo Bank about the death in writing and removal of the name of deceased.. The direction is to bank for settling the amount, and the survivor may not be the owner of entire money and he is the trustee of the deceased. The bank is not concerned with such legal heir issues. Generally, when there are several children and one remain with parents, for sake of convenience such accounts are opened. Many of such joint holders claim that entire money belongs to them and given by the deceased which may not be correct and has to be decided within legal heirs. As far as Bank is concerned they have to pay to the surrviving depositor.