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Share More   19 September 2019

ACB trapp victim.

my friend trapped by ACB but her hand is not wash by the solution. what chances of her to be bari or free in case?


 2 Replies

Real Soul.... (LEGAL)     19 September 2019

There is a procedue to be strictly followed while laying a trap. Mostly in such cases the accused gets accquital due to failuer of vigillance team not following the code and procedure . However if the evidance is not sufficient and the solution on the notes or from washing of the pockets or bag or where the money was kept does not match with solution from handwash then there are chances of accquital .

1 Like   19 September 2019

but sir the complainer recorded her voice in recorder given him by ACB.& case made by them as normal case of ACB, independent 2 witnesses are there appointed by them.

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