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NISHA THANKARAJ (FMS)     10 April 2010

Harassment by Society Secretary

Dear Team,

  We live in registered Society and the flat is in nmae of my father and brother. Children of the Society Play in Compound of Society with other Society children also playing in our Society. They constantly bang our windows and their noise level is high. Intially we didnot complain as we thought they are children just tell them to stop banging.But now they frequently do it .We then gave letter to Society to disallow the outsider children to our society  and our treasurer told watchman to stop ousider into our society.But the verynext day our secretary told watchman he should allow other society children and do till he says and only listen to him and my mother has no right to say she is not the member of Society and even treasurer has no rights.They always play in front our window where else there is ample space on other side but since car is parked and on other side Secretary himself live they don't play there.One of the child is Secretary Son and it is his friends who plays infront.Even the children from other Society back answers us.Would like to know what action against Secretary who pay no response to our grievance and what can be done of these  children who are of age 13-15 age.  

 6 Replies

Kanaksinh P.Boda (Educationist/Lawyer)     10 April 2010

The only way is to lodge a police complaint for causing disturbance and nuisance, including aganst Secretary's son.

NISHA THANKARAJ (FMS)     10 April 2010

Dear Sir,

  But his son is only age 13 and what can be done to stop other children from entering Premises

Heinrich (Research Assistant)     10 April 2010

i think first you should try talking to the secretary and ask him what is the solution. Tell your concerns in a friendly way and make him know the trouble that it is causing you. If nothing works out tell him that you would be forced to give a complaint and then inform the police for nuisance. It does not matter if the children are 13. You have to file the complaint against the secretary for not doing his duty.

Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     10 April 2010

To stop the nuisance of children playing very near the ground floor  houses and breaking window panes or shouting / screaming   which causes health distress and distrubance of peace to senior citizens and other patients like Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Hyper Tension,  Heart problems,  the following may be considered,  AS A PERMANENT SOLUTION.


a)  Issue a "statutory notice" to the Secretary of the society, to stop such nuisance and maintain peace in the society. 

b)  Issue a statutory notice to the cooperative registrar of the respective ward,  to direct the society secretary to stop such nuisance and maintain peace.

c)  After 30 days,  file a Writ Petition (WP)  in the High Court,  praying for  "Permanent Injunction"  against such nuisance in the society.


AFTER the above injunction order from the HC,  it will be mandatory duty of the society secretary to maintain peace by stopping such nuisance.  This will on a permanent basis for ever.   AND  after the injunction order,  IF the secretary fails to follow the HC order, the entire managing committee will be held in Contempt and may even be imprisoned, for violating the HC order.


Time frame for such notice & answer =  approx. 45 days.
Time frame for filing such WP & injunction order = 3-6 months
Legal expenses =  approx 50,000/-

In other words,  to buy permanent peace, the cost is approx. 50000/-


OF COURSE, the alternate alternative is to bang your head against the society wall and keep on getting frustrated, life-long.  The police dept., has no role to play in such trivial society matters, since this will not classify under any criminal offence.  Also it would be literally pointless to approach the cooperative court, for such matters.


YET, Another alternative is to take double dose of  "tranquilizer",  on a daily basis,  the moment, the childrens come to scream and play.


CONSIDER THIS TRUTH:  Children are Devils in Gods guise.


Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal

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Raja (Chairman)     10 April 2010

Calling children as devils reflects a sick mind. It requires treatment. 

Raja (Chairman)     10 April 2010

Calling children as devils reflects a sick mind. It requires treatment. 

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