abhay singh 22 April 2020
Hemant Agarwal (ha21@rediffmail.com Mumbai : 9820174108) 22 April 2020
1. IF the Court has duly acquited Father, from the Police case and IF Police (state) has not filed appeal and IF complainant or witnesses have not filed a WP in HC, THEN it means that Father had not committedf any crime.
2. In lieu of the Court's acquital order, Police now cannot give any "adverse character certificate" of any type for any purposes, against Father, since it would amount to contempt of court orders.
Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal
VISIT: www.chshelpforum.com
G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.) 22 April 2020
But having such a certified copy of acquittal is fundamental and basic in such cases. (It all depends on the purpose of such certificate, and they maintain a record and they may state allegation and the essence of judgment. Though one may be involved in the case, he can get acquitted due to improper handling of the case, poor investigation, lack of evidence, managing prosecution witnesses, the status of the victim vis a vis accused etc., and hence the exact finding in judgment may carry weight)
P. Venu (Advocate) 22 April 2020
Yes, what is the necessity of character certificate for your father?
abhay singh 22 April 2020
P. Venu (Advocate) 22 April 2020
Then, what exactly is the problem? Ha the Government initiated any action against him departmentally?
abhay singh 22 April 2020
abhay singh 22 April 2020
P. Venu (Advocate) 23 April 2020
You are making this query a riddle. Please post the complete facts, brining out the real issue, if any.