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rizvi abid   11 June 2020

Licence to own a blunt sword.

I am found of sword fight and want to learn it. it is necessary to have a sword for that, I want to buy a blunt sword just for learning and practice purpose. do I need a license for that ? Is it permissible to go somewhere (practice ground) or travell with a blunt sword ?
If I need a license then who will issue it ? please advice.


 9 Replies

P. Venu (Advocate)     11 June 2020

You can get the information form the instructor concerned.

rizvi abid   11 June 2020

perhaps, Mr. Omprakash, you speak like this because may be you didn't know anything. don't waste my and other people time.

rizvi abid   12 June 2020

Mr. Omprakash, if you gave any advise like you give me, apply in China stuff, no one wants your advise even FREE IF COST.
I am serious with my question and because there is a confusion by owning a sword because I am not a sports person, and didn't play to have records or background, they said to ask someone who knows it's legality. That's why I ask a question here, I want to follow the law. Let me give you an advise, if you don't want to answer once question, speak nothing instead of speaking rubbish. I hope you understand. You know something doesn't mean that you mock others who didn't know.
Now, I am a Engineer, suppose if you ask me how to make a House, I reply you to buy a plot in CZECH country, take a approval of MAP by CHINA AUTHORITY, BUY the MATTERIAL from AFRICA and BUILD THE HOUSE IN FRANCE, WOULD YOU LIKE AND FOLLOW MY ADVISE ? JUST BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T PAY MY FEES ?
IT'S DISGUSTING SIR, YOU ARE HERE TO HELP THE SOCIETY not MOCKING. if you don't want to answer just don't. easy.
any way.... sorry for bothering you if I did.
1 Like

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     13 June 2020

Yes, you are required to have a valid licence for holding / use of sword under Section 3 of The Arms Act, 1959 

2 Like

P. Venu (Advocate)     13 June 2020

The answer lies in the definition of "arms" under Section 2(1) (c) read with the provisions of Section 4 and the Rules notified thereunder:

2 (1)(c):   “arms” means articles of any descripttion designed or adapted as weapons for offences, or defence, and includes firearms, sharp-edged and other deadly weapons, and parts of, and machinery for manufacturing arms, but does not include articles designed solely for domestic or agricultural uses such as a lathi or an ordinary walking stick and weapons incapable of being used otherwise than as toys or of being converted into serviceable weapons;


4.  Licence for acquisition and possession of arms of specified descripttion in certain cases.—If the Central Government is of opinion that having regard to the circumstances prevailing in any area it is necessary or expedient in the public interest that the acquisition, possession or carrying of arms other than firearms should also be regulated, it may, by notification in the Official Gazette, direct that this section shall apply to the area specified in the notification and thereupon no person shall acquire, have in his possession or carry in that area arms of such class or descripttion as may be specified in that notification unless he holds in this behalf a licence issued in accordance with the provisions of this Act and the rules made thereunder.

The application of the stipulations under the Arms Rules are area specific. 

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Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     13 June 2020

I think the author is satisfied with further explainantion on the subject matter by expert Mr. P Venu, wherein he has quoted the law (Section 2(1)(c) of the Arms Act, 1959 and and Rule 4 of the Arms Rules, 1959.


rizvi abid   14 June 2020

Mr Omprakash, as I have seen your reply which is annoying and desrespecting me. first I have decided do not any answer because of my respect towards the Army of my country and it service towards us but a second thought has came which says I am not addressing a soldier but a man who claimed himself a lawyer.
as you said that there is no comparison between two individual's, You must know that I don't have any less civil and citizenship rights then you. You have threatened me that you will use unparliamentary language against me. You Must know that if you did anything like that I will answer you in a same way you never imagine, I am not afraid of you and you better know it. Don't try to Threaten me. Secondary what the degrees and services you have mention which is equal like you shake a mountain according to you is beneficial none of your countryman like me and mock us , because you have too much proud and ignorance in comparison of their numbers. I have know many great man like when I meet FORMER PRESIDENT A.P.J. ABDUL KALAM, how calm and supporting he was. HE ANSWERED every QUERY and even serve us water by his hand, those are SCHOLARS , not like you. It is said in our culture that "vidya dadati viniyam" . But I have seen that you don't have any thing like "Vinay". With all those degrees you cannot even answer a simple question like Dr. VASHISHTA and Mr. P. VENU given. Atlast I just want to say " please do not bother me and others and leave us" I hope that you will end this conversation over here and do not bother us anymore.
With thanks and regards.

pokemon fan club   06 December 2020

I am 16 years old, and I also like sword too much,

can anyone please  tell me what is the minimum age to get licence for using sword in india??

also, I hears that if the sword is not sharp then you don't need licence in india.

is that true??

please tell me.


Vishesh Kumar   25 December 2020


Sword has been kept under category 5, Schedule 1 of Arms act, 1962.

You need a Licence for any edged weapon wider than 2” and longer than 8” is classified as a weapon (non firearm) under Arms Act.

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