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Vijay   17 October 2020

Empty site rent terms

Hello All,

I brought a  empty site from a land owner 30 years back and he was  not allowing me to  get any revenue out of it. Given current situation I want to rent it out to get some revenue. which I'm planning to rent it out to commercial Granite Person. If i rent it out to this Granite Person and tomorrow some third party person damages the Granite. Am i held responsible for the damage and should i compensate the tenant?


Thank you,




 2 Replies

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     18 October 2020

You are titleholder and in possession of plot for the last 30 years, which you may or may not rent out, no one can have objection.

If someone damages goods stocked by tenant, how you can be made responsible ? Answer is "NO".

It is advisable to contact and consult a local prudent lawyer for better appreciation of facts/ documents, professional guidance and necessary proceeding.

P. Venu (Advocate)     18 October 2020

The facts posted are confused and disjointed and, maybe, disoriented as well? How is it that you were prevented for 30 years from utilising the property you had purchased 30 years back? Are you not in possession of the property?

The posting suggests deeper issues. Please post complete facts.

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