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A   25 March 2021

Dispute regarding type of agreement

My grandfather gifted a land measuring 202 sq.yds to my mother as gift deed (1978). My mother passed away in 2015. I have one elder brother and 3 sisters. My brother constructed the house on the land at a cost 8 lakhs around 20 – 22 years back.

Now we are dividing the property amongst ourselves according to Islamic sharia, with me and my brother getting a share of 2/7 each and sisters getting a share of 1/7 each.

My brother is demanding 20 lakhs (for the construction of the house) plus 2/7 share of the land market value. I and my sisters are paying him the agreed amount.

My agent advised to me go for sale deed since he, his wife and children can make a claim on the property later on. We have also asked his wife to be a witness in the sale deed so as to prevent any further claim on the property, since his son is below 18.

My brother is refusing the following points:
1. He does not want his wife to be a witness
2. He wants to change the agreement from sale deed to release deed.
3. He wants us to remove the following point from the agreement
“The vendor (my brother) herein do hereby covenant with the vendees (I and my sisters) that if the vendees of deprived of whole or any part of schedule property by reason of any defects found in the title of the vendor or any encumbrances, claims or charges on the same the vendor shall clear all such claims at his expenses.”

As this is an ongoing property dispute since the past 3 years:
a. Should I agree to the above 3 points demanded by my brother?
b. Are there any points I can add to make the agreement stronger, so that he or his family may not make any claim later on.
c. Is the sale deed stronger or release deed.

 9 Replies

Ishfaq Fayaz   27 March 2021

brother. in release deed there is no transfer of ownership..
Adv Ishfaq wani

jaya pradha (Standing Counsel for Adoption matters WD & CW State of Telengana)     27 March 2021

Please go for sale deed as you are paying money.
is your brother occupying the property since 20 years. if, he cannot claim any money for construction.
third clause is a mandatory clause in case of saledeed. however in your matter it doesn't matter much.

Shrikant BADVE   27 March 2021

I am not a lawyer or a person with legal background and yet I feel commenting out of curiosity which legal expert may like to comment.  I guess the brother who has worked out the quantum of share for self,  his brother and sisters is out of court and wants to retain his lion's share of the ancestral property and release the ownership on the balance share in favour of his brother and sisters.  But there are some properties that can't be demarcated, so share is worked out in cash, particularly for sisters.  The question is who will do the demarcation to the satisfaction of all?   Many times, a good solution is that the property in question is given to the builder for development under Development Agreement with General Power of Attorney by all brothers and sisters and the builder gives flat as consideration to each brother and the sisters share is given in the form of money.  Builder can get additional FSI under changed rules from the authorities.   That is the job of architect.   But there is a possibility that the brother who holds the ownership card will expect a larger flat and the other brother may get a smaller flat.    Other flats developed on the land property are sold to private purchasers by the builder as his business profit.  But in that case the commercial space is sold for huge profit  first vide Booking Agreement depending on the location and   residential flats are constructed above it.   The brothers can keep a 10% share of cash generated in the commercial space if that is a clause in the Development Agreement.  This way it is a win win situation for  all parties as married sisters have to reside in their sasural and money should be fine with them.   Alternately an unmarried sister can stay with the brother.                    

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Tasnim Bano   27 March 2021

Response in seriatim: 

If your brother does not wish his wife to be a witness, thats perfectly alright. There are other members in the family and extended family who can be witnesses. Please ensure that they are identifiable people. Have their complete name and address / aadhaar on the witnessing document.

 A sale deed is always a better proposition than a Release deed. However, a Sale can be done only by the owner of the property. In your case there are joint owners. and the sale cannot be done by one joint owner to the other joint owner.

The third point can be answered only if there is clarity on the second point.

The suggestion made by Shrikant Badve is a good one and can be looked into.

A  constructed residential house is depreciated at the rate of 5% p.a. So, the value of construction, which was done atleast 20 years ago has zero value as of now. 

You may draw up a Family Arrangement  agreement and put in all the points about individual share of each of the owners. Please register the family agreement and ensure that the shares of each of the owner  are registered in the Revenue / Land records.



Mushi (Student)     27 March 2021

Is the property is still in your mother's name? if yes then you can go for partition deed. if it is in your brother's name then sale deed. Better to keep sis in law as witness otherwise also ok.

Shrikant BADVE   27 March 2021

Hello...My suggestion has some inbuilt issues.  When a Development Agreement is signed with the builder, at the beginning everything looks rosy but many times there could be several hidden issues, on the quality of construction material that is used.  This is because the builder's focus is on the cream of the property i.e. commercial space for which he may use better construction material than the residential flats.  Hence specifications of the construction material to be used for flats must be clearly mentioned in the Development Agreement and the brothers should regularly check that it is so as per the agreement.  The area of residential flat that he is going to give to each brother must be clearly stated in the Development Agreement including the floor, frontage (entry and exit , parking space, sanitation, windows etc).   Else he may create problem at the time of  handing over the possession.    Now if he gives less area then he has to refund the market value of the area not given and if he gives extra area then that has to be free and the builder will not claim any money from either of the brothers.  Sometimes, this extra area becomes the kabab ki haddi !  (meaning the unscrupulous builder  may ask for money from the brothers in lieu of extra area, which may actually  be the "cost of construction of their flats")  What I mean is that area should be identical to both the brothers.   A point that is likely to be ignored is when the old building / construction is handed over to the builder for development, then the builder has to provide ALTERNATE RESIDENCE prior to its demolition at his own cost till the written possession of their flat is not given in their property including the cost on utilities like electricity and water.    [with all diagrams on electrical wiring, water pipes,  terrace rights, demarcation of common area with parking, water storage tanks for domestic use, access to common area, etc used in the new building ]    shrikantbadve!   

A   27 March 2021

I have come to know that between siblings and joint owners, there is no sale deed and only relinquishment deed. The problem here is he can challenge the deed once we pay him. I am completely confused as to what should I do. 

P. Venu (Advocate)     27 March 2021

The co-ownership right can be released in favour of another co-owner and it need not be by a sale deed.

Islamic Law follows the principle of ‘nemo est haeres viventis’ i.e. nobody can become an heir to a living person. This means under Muslim law, the legal right to inheritance of property arises only upon the death of the deceased. As such it is impossible that the wife and children of the brother could have any rights over the property which he had relinquished through a release deed. In my understanding, any attempts as to make the agreement stronger, would be infructuous.


Tasnim Bano   30 March 2021

Please follow the route of family agreement backed by Release deed. Get both of it registered. 

There's no way of anyone challenging it thereafter.


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