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yasaswi gomes (.)     03 May 2021

Ipc section number & punishment


Can someone please tell me what is the punishment under IPC section for teaching bad habits to 18 years - 25 years like:

Friend taught you to take narcotics.(Made you an addict)

Friend taught you to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol above legal limit. (Made you an addict)

Friend taught you to lie, fraud, and steal from parents or strangers for money to spend on addiction.

Friend taught you to visit brothel homes & s*x workers.

Friend taught you to pimp wife or family member for money.

Friend taught you to have s*x with minors.

Friend taught you to gamble in public, he also taught you to pledge your property to gamble.

on the whole, what punishment will my friend receive if he had taught/succumbed me to the above through his criminal expertise.


 6 Replies

Kika Temsu   03 May 2021

As far as my legal knowledge is aware This kind of Act shall cover under IPC section 108 of the Indian penal code.Section 108 states that a person who instigate or intrigued someone to do an unlawful act either directly or indirectly shall be an abbettor under the act.Depending upon the commission of the crime a person who abets shall be punished or even award death sentence.
correct me if I'm wrong.
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yasaswi gomes (.)     03 May 2021

So shall it be, imprisonment or death punishment. Luckily I didn’t teach anyone bad habits. If this law is prevalent, people are not scared IPC 108. This should be taught in schools. 

Venkata KumaR.G (Advocate)     03 May 2021

The abettor is punishable under sec.108 IPC. But the who commits the offence should be chargesheeted for the offence he committed.
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yasaswi gomes (.)     03 May 2021

Sounds fair! How can college students go by themselves to log a police complaint. So, it is better to teach the bully, not to bully, and scare bullies at schools by teaching this law n moral stories. Then some of them will inculcate good habits.

aditi srivastava   04 May 2021

respected sir

The word abetment means supporting or assisting someone to commit a crime.

under Section 107 of IPC means instigating, engaging and intentionally aiding a person to commit an offence. Prosecution must prove mens rea as negligence would not amount to any punishment according to the penal laws. Also the abettor must be deliberately supporting the wrongdoing so we need to prove that the offence committed would not have been possible without the association of the abettor Section 108 talks about when the abetment is complete. It also defines the term abettor as someone who abets commission of an act which is considered as an offence if comiited by a person not suffering from any mental illness.



yasaswi gomes (.)     04 May 2021

108 is munch better and stringent. This is more suitable. If my question has no IPC code, then there can be a new section called IPC 666- men’s rea + includes everything about spoiling a man’s credibility, innocence, health, wealth,   and goodness. Anyone advising someone to drink coffee/tea, take sugar/salt, talk bad about others will be covered. 

This ways, no on will advise anyone to do anything which is criminal in nature, unhealthy or inflict poverty in fear of this section. 

Punishment; life sentence + death + offenders property impounded. Can someone tell me how can I implement and enforce this section IPC 666 legally so that crime will drop in the future? 

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